ホームページ >ウェブフロントエンド >jsチュートリアル >建築コードシフト
今週、私は codeshift という名前のコマンドライン ツールの開発に取り組んできました。このツールを使用すると、ユーザーはソース コード ファイルを入力し、プログラミング言語を選択し、選択した言語に翻訳できます。
内部で特別なことは行われていません。翻訳を処理するために Groq と呼ばれる AI プロバイダーが使用されているだけです。しかし、私は開発プロセス、それがどのように使用され、どのような機能が提供されるのかについて知りたかったのです。
ソース コード ファイルを任意の言語に変換するコマンドライン ツール。
codeshift [-o ] <入力ファイル...>
codeshift -oindex.go go example/index.js
codeshift [-o ] <入力ファイル...>
codeshift -oindex.go go example/index.js
私は Java を学びたいと思っていましたが、オンラインで調べてみたところ、CLI ツールの開発や AI モデルとのインターフェースには Java は良い選択ではないようでした。 OpenAI では正式にサポートされておらず、ドキュメントで紹介されているコミュニティ ライブラリは非推奨です。
私は常に人気のあるテクノロジを使い続けてきました。これらのテクノロジは信頼性が高く、完全なドキュメントやオンラインで入手できる大量の情報が用意されている傾向があります。しかし、今回は違うことをすることにしました。私は Bun を使用することにしました。これは、Node を置き換えることを目的とした JavaScript のクールな新しいランタイムです。
以前ここで参照されましたが、解決せずに閉じられました: https://github.com/openai/openai-node/issues/903
これは、最新の Sentry 監視パッケージの使用中に SDK を使用できなくなるため、非常に大きな問題です。
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/node';
// Start Sentry
dsn: "https://your-sentry-url",
environment: "your-env",
tracesSampleRate: 1.0, // Capture 100% of the transactions
const params = {
model: model,
stream: true,
stream_options: {
include_usage: true
const completion = await openai.chat.completions.create(params);
Results in error:
TypeError: getDefaultAgent is not a function at OpenAI.buildRequest (file:///my-project/node_modules/openai/core.mjs:208:66) at OpenAI.makeRequest (file:///my-project/node_modules/openai/core.mjs:279:44)
All operating systems (macOS, Linux)
This turned me away from Bun. I'd found out from our professor we were going to compile an executable later in the course, and I did not want to deal with Bun's problems down the line.
So, I switched to Node. It was painful going from Bun's easy-to-use built-in APIs to having to learn how to use commander for Node. But at least it wouldn't crash.
I had previous experience working with AI models through code thanks to my co-op, but I was unfamiliar with creating a command-line tool. Configuring the options and arguments turned out to be the most time-consuming aspect of the project.
Apart from the core feature we chose for each of our projects - mine being code translation - we were asked to implement any two additional features. One of the features I chose to implement was to save output to a specified file. Currently, I'm not sure this feature is that useful, since you could just redirect the output to a file, but in the future I want to use it to extract the code from the response to the file, and include the AI's rationale behind the translation in the full response to stdout. Writing this feature also helped me learn about global and command-based options using commander.js. Since there was only one command (run) and it was the default, I wanted the option to show up in the default help menu, not when you specifically typed codeshift help run, so I had to learn to implement it as a global option.
I also ended up "accidentally" implementing the feature for streaming the response to stdout. I was at first scared away from streaming, because it sounded too difficult. But later, when I was trying to read the input files, I figured reading large files in chunks would be more efficient. I realized I'd already implemented streaming in my previous C++ courses, and figuring it wouldn't be too bad, I got to work.
Then, halfway through my implementation I realized I'd have to send the whole file at once to the AI regardless.
But this encouraged me to try streaming the output from the AI. So I hopped on MDN and started reading about ReadableStreams and messing around with ReadableStreamDefaultReader.read() for what felt like an hour - only to scroll down the AI provider's documentation and realize all I had to do was add stream: true to my request.
Either way, I may have taken the scenic route but I ended up implementing streaming.
Right now, the program parses each source file individually, with no shared context. So if a file references another, it wouldn't be reflected in the output. I'd like to enable it to have that context eventually. Like I mentioned, another feature I want to add is writing the AI's reasoning behind the translation to stdout but leaving it out of the output file. I'd also like to add some of the other optional features, like options to specify the AI model to use, the API key to use, and reading that data from a .env file in the same directory.
That's about it for this post. I'll be writing more in the coming weeks.
以上が建築コードシフトの詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。