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テキスト表現は String と呼ばれます。これは、変数と呼ばれる文字の組み合わせです。文字列はアルファベットから選択され、常にアルファベットになります。文字列はデータ型の配列内で考慮されます。これは配列の表現でもあります。文字列内の変数を使用すると、メモリを静的または動的に割り当てることができます。文字列は C# のクラスとして使用され、Unicode 文字または文字の配列の組み合わせです。文字の配列をアルファベットと同様にテキストと呼び、意味のある単語を形成できます。文字列はキーワードであり、クラスとともに使用されます。
以下は、文字列と文字列 C# の上位 16 件の比較です:
次の点で、String と String C# の主な違いについて説明します。
以下の表は、文字列と文字列 C# の比較をまとめたものです:
String | String in C# |
A string is a reserved word. Hence we cannot use string as a variable name. | A string is a class name. |
The system is not needed to use a string variable. | A string cannot be used with writing using System. When it is created, it should be used to declare the variable and hence the type is different. |
To declare a variable, the string is used. | A string is used when a method is called or declared. |
The variable string always points to System. string. | System string can take cues from string or any other data type, and it is not always reserved for string variable alone. |
The bugs are less and not common in the string. | The bugs are common, and to fix bugs, we have to go through the entire code as it takes the response from all the data types. |
The meaning of string depends on the variable it carries. | The meaning of String depends on the source code or the referenced type in the assemblies of the project. |
Developers can easily interpret the string as it reserves only a few data types. | It takes time for developers to interpret the code using String, and it may take hours to solve the issues related to System string. |
While declaring string, it will throw an error if the other side variable is not defined. | It depends on the codebase to show the error as in some cases, String does not need the variable to be declared, and in some cases, it asks for it. |
A string is not defined with any regularity, and it shows an error if the variable is not defined properly. | The string is defined with some regularity as it takes the types from all the reserved data types and cross verifies the same. |
A string has only one purpose, and it is to declare the variable in the program. | The string has various purposes regarding class declaration, libraries, serialization, reflections, helpers, lexical constructs, etc. |
The string is used for local declarations. | The string is used for static methods. |
The string has better readability and is understood well by all developers as a variable declaration. | The readability is not good, and as it is used for many purposes; developers are often confused with the usage. |
The usage of the string is limited, and hence the compilation time is less for the program. | The usage of String is vast, and hence it takes a long time to compile the program. |
Once when we declare a variable, we cannot change it, and hence a new variable has to be declared. The string is immutable. | Strings are mutable, and we can use them repetitively for many purposes in the coding regime. |
Since strings are used for a single purpose and are immutable, the usage of the string is costly. | Strings can be used more than once, and we can say that the usage of Strings is not a costly affair. |
Optimization of a string is not good and takes time. | It provides a better way to optimize Strings. |
文字列と文字列変数は、パフォーマンスや上記以外の使用法など、ほとんどの点で似ています。ただし、構文を強調表示しやすいため、ほとんどの場合は文字列変数が推奨されます。 C# コンパイラを Java バイト コードとともに使用すると、コンパイラは文字列または System.文字列。
以上が文字列と文字列 C#の詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。