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2024-08-24 11:03:18201ブラウズ

Enhanced Object Literals

  • ES6 introduced 3 ways to write object literals
  • First Way:
- ES6 Enhanced object literal syntax can take an external object like salary object and make it a property of the developer object as shown below:
const salary = {
  fixed: '$200k',
  variable: '$100k'

const developer = {
  // salary: salary      // Before ES6
  salary                 // ES6 way

developer; // { salary: { fixed: '$200k', variable: '$100k' } }

- If any change is made in salary object, same change needs to be made inside the developer object for salary object which is present as property of developer object.
  • Second way:
  • We don't need to create a property & then set it to function expression. We can write that directly without function keyword as shown below i.e ES6 Way.
const salary = {
  fixed: '$200k',
  variable: '$50k'

const developer = {
  /* Before ES6
  greet: function(name){
    console.log(`Salary credited. Enjoy ${name}!`);
  // ES6 Way
    console.log(`Salary credited. Enjoy ${name}!`);

  • Third Way:
  • Property names can be computed also
const seasons = ['winter','summer','spring', 'monsoon','autumn'];

const fruits = {
  [seasons[0]]: 'apple',
  [seasons[1]]: 'mango',
  [[seasons.length]]: 'cherry'

fruits;   // { '5': 'cherry', winter: 'apple', summer: 'mango' }

以上が拡張オブジェクトリテラルの詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。

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