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2024-08-21 06:14:33986ブラウズ

Why should you use attrs more


Python の attrs ライブラリは、クラスの作成を簡素化し、定型コードを削減したいと考えている開発者にとって状況を大きく変えるものです。このライブラリは NASA からも信頼されています。
2015 年に Hynek Schlawack によって作成された attrs は、特別なメソッドを自動的に生成し、クラスを定義するクリーンで宣言的な方法を提供する機能により、すぐに Python 開発者の間で人気のツールになりました。
dataclasses は属性のサブセットの一種です。

attrs が役立つ理由:

  • 定型コードを削減します
  • コードの可読性と保守性を向上させます
  • データの検証と変換のための強力な機能を提供します
  • 最適化された実装によりパフォーマンスを向上させます

2. attrs の使用を開始する

attrs を使い始めるには、pip:

pip install attrs

以下は、attrs を使用してクラスを定義する方法の簡単な例です:

import attr

class Person:
    name = attr.ib()
    age = attr.ib()

# Creating an instance
person = Person("Alice", 30)
print(person)  # Person(name='Alice', age=30)

3. attrs の主要な機能


attrs は、クラスの initrepr、および eq メソッドを自動的に生成します。

class Book:
    title = attr.ib()
    author = attr.ib()
    year = attr.ib()

book1 = Book("1984", "George Orwell", 1949)
book2 = Book("1984", "George Orwell", 1949)

print(book1)  # Book(title='1984', author='George Orwell', year=1949)
print(book1 == book2)  # True


import attr
from typing import List

class Library:
    name = attr.ib(type=str)
    books = attr.ib(type=List[str], default=attr.Factory(list))
    capacity = attr.ib(type=int, default=1000)

library = Library("City Library")
print(library)  # Library(name='City Library', books=[], capacity=1000)


import attr

def must_be_positive(instance, attribute, value):
    if value <= 0:
        raise ValueError("Value must be positive")

class Product:
    name = attr.ib()
    price = attr.ib(converter=float, validator=[attr.validators.instance_of(float), must_be_positive])

product = Product("Book", "29.99")
print(product)  # Product(name='Book', price=29.99)

    Product("Invalid", -10)
except ValueError as e:
    print(e)  # Value must be positive

4. 高度な使い方


import attr

class User:
    username = attr.ib()
    _password = attr.ib(repr=False)  # Exclude from repr

    def password(self):
        return self._password

    def password(self, value):
        self._password = hash(value)  # Simple hashing for demonstration

user = User("alice", "secret123")
print(user)  # User(username='alice')


@attr.s(frozen=True) # slots=True is the default
class Point:
    x = attr.ib()
    y = attr.ib()

point = Point(1, 2)
    point.x = 3  # This will raise an AttributeError
except AttributeError as e:
    print(e)  # can't set attribute


import attr
import uuid

class Order:
    id = attr.ib(factory=uuid.uuid4)
    items = attr.ib(factory=list)
    total = attr.ib(init=False)

    def __attrs_post_init__(self):
        self.total = sum(item.price for item in self.items)

class Item:
    name = attr.ib()
    price = attr.ib(type=float)

order = Order(items=[Item("Book", 10.99), Item("Pen", 1.99)])
print(order)  # Order(id=UUID('...'), items=[Item(name='Book', price=10.99), Item(name='Pen', price=1.99)], total=12.98)

5. ベストプラクティスとよくある落とし穴


  • コードの読みやすさと IDE サポートを向上させるために型アノテーションを使用します
  • データの整合性のためにバリデータを活用する
  • 不変オブジェクトには凍結されたクラスを使用する
  • 自動メソッド生成を利用してコードの重複を削減します


  • クラスで @attr.s デコレータを使用するのを忘れています
  • 別個のメソッドである可能性がある複雑なバリデーターを過剰に使用する
  • ファクトリー関数の広範な使用によるパフォーマンスへの影響は考慮されていません

6. attrs と他のライブラリの比較

Library Features Performance Community
attrs Automatic method generation, attribute definition with types and default values, validators and converters Better performance than manual code Active community
pydantic Data validation and settings management, automatic method generation, attribute definition with types and default values, validators and converters Good performance Active community
dataclasses Built into Python 3.7+, making them more accessible Tied to the Python version Built-in Python library

attrs and dataclasses are faster than pydantic1.

Comparison with dataclasses:

  • attrs is more feature-rich and flexible
  • dataclasses are built into Python 3.7+, making them more accessible
  • attrs has better performance in most cases
  • dataclasses are tied to the Python version, while attrs as an external library can be used with any Python version.

Comparison with pydantic:

  • pydantic is focused on data validation and settings management
  • attrs is more general-purpose and integrates better with existing codebases
  • pydantic has built-in JSON serialization, while attrs requires additional libraries

When to choose attrs:

  • For complex class hierarchies with custom behaviors
  • When you need fine-grained control over attribute definitions
  • For projects that require Python 2 compatibility (though less relevant now)

7. Performance and Real-world Applications

attrs generally offers better performance than manually written classes or other libraries due to its optimized implementations.

Real-world example:

from attr import define, Factory
from typing import List, Optional

class Customer:
    id: int
    name: str
    email: str
    orders: List['Order'] = Factory(list)

class Order:
    id: int
    customer_id: int
    total: float
    items: List['OrderItem'] = Factory(list)

class OrderItem:
    id: int
    order_id: int
    product_id: int
    quantity: int
    price: float

class Product:
    id: int
    name: str
    price: float
    description: Optional[str] = None

# Usage
customer = Customer(1, "Alice", "alice@example.com")
product = Product(1, "Book", 29.99, "A great book")
order_item = OrderItem(1, 1, 1, 2, product.price)
order = Order(1, customer.id, 59.98, [order_item])


8. Conclusion and Call to Action

attrs is a powerful library that simplifies Python class definitions while providing robust features for data validation and manipulation. Its ability to reduce boilerplate code, improve readability, and enhance performance makes it an invaluable tool for Python developers.

Community resources:

  • GitHub repository: https://github.com/python-attrs/attrs
  • Documentation: https://www.attrs.org/
  • PyPI page: https://pypi.org/project/attrs/

Try attrs in your next project and experience its benefits firsthand. Share your experiences with the community and contribute to its ongoing development. Happy coding!

  1. https://stefan.sofa-rockers.org/2020/05/29/attrs-dataclasses-pydantic/ ↩

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