ホームページ >コンピューターのチュートリアル >トラブルシューティング >PlayerUnknown の Battlegrounds のブルー スクリーンが起動できない

PlayerUnknown の Battlegrounds のブルー スクリーンが起動できない

2024-08-09 18:32:09428ブラウズ

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegroundsがブルースクリーンで起動できない問題に悩んでいませんか? PHP エディターの Strawberry は、この問題について徹底的に調査し、解決策を提供しました。ブルー スクリーンの障害に悩んでいる場合は、この記事でブルー スクリーンの原因と解決手順を詳しく説明し、チキンを楽しむのに役立つでしょう。

PlayerUnknown の Battlegrounds のブルー スクリーンが起動できない

1. PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds にブルー スクリーンが表示され、起動できません

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds にブルー スクリーンが表示され、起動できません

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) は、プレイヤーに愛されているシューティング ゲームですが、時々遭遇することがありますいくつかの問題があり、そのうちの 1 つはブルー スクリーンであり、その結果、起動できなくなります。 PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds がブルー スクリーンで起動できないという問題が発生した場合でも、心配しないでください。この記事ではいくつかの解決策を紹介します。

1. ハードウェアの問題を確認します

まず、コンピューターのハードウェアが正常かどうかを確認する必要があります。メモリ モジュールに問題があり、ブルー スクリーンが発生している可能性があります。メモリ モジュールを再取り付けするか、テストのために新しいメモリ モジュールと交換することをお勧めします。

2. グラフィックス カード ドライバーを更新します

ブルー スクリーンの問題は、古いグラフィックス カード ドライバーが原因で発生する場合があります。グラフィック カード ドライバーを更新して、オペレーティング システムと互換性があることを確認してください。

3. ゲームファイルの整合性を確認します

PUBG ゲームファイルの整合性が破損し、ゲームが正常に起動できなくなる可能性があります。 Steam プラットフォームのゲームのプロパティに「ゲーム ファイルの整合性を確認する」オプションがあり、ゲーム ファイルに問題がないことを確認できます。

4. バックグラウンド プログラムを閉じる

場合によっては、他のバックグラウンド プログラムが PUBG と競合し、ブルー スクリーンの問題を引き起こす可能性があります。不要なバックグラウンド プログラムをすべて終了し、ゲームを再起動してみてください。

5. システムジャンクをクリーンアップします

システムジャンクはゲームの動作に影響を与え、ブルースクリーンの問題を引き起こす可能性があります。クリーニング ツールを使用すると、システムのジャンクをクリーンアップし、システムのパフォーマンスを向上させることができます。

6. ゲームのアップデートを確認します

最新バージョンの PUBG ゲームを実行していることを確認してください。古いバージョンでは互換性の問題が発生し、ブルー スクリーンの問題が発生する場合があります。

7. ゲーム設定を変更します

ゲーム設定を調整し、ゲームのグラフィック品質と解像度を下げてみます。これにより、ゲームによるシステム リソースの要求が軽減され、ブルー スクリーンの問題を回避できます。

8. システムアップデートを確認します

オペレーティングシステムに最新のアップデートがインストールされていることを確認してください。オペレーティング システムの問題によってブルー スクリーンが発生する場合もありますが、タイムリーなアップデートはそのような問題の解決に役立ちます。

9. 専門家の助けを探す

上記の方法を試しても、PUBG ブルースクリーンが起動しない問題を解決できない場合は、専門家の助けを求めることをお勧めします。問題の診断と解決には、コンピュータの専門家が必要になる場合があります。

つまり、プレイヤーは PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds が起動できないブルー スクリーンに悩まされる可能性がありますが、ハードウェアをチェックし、ドライバーを更新し、システムのジャンクをクリーンアップするなどすれば、この問題は解決される可能性があります。 PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds のゲーム体験をスムーズに楽しんでください。

2. Asus ノートパソコンの起動時にブルー スクリーンが表示されますか?

ASUS ノートブック起動時のブルー スクリーンの解決策は次のとおりです

1. 外部カメラ、プリンター、アップグレードされたメモリなどの新しくインストールされたハードウェア デバイスを削除します

2. を繰り返しクリックして、セーフ モードに移行してみてください。起動プロセス中に F8 キーを押し、以前にインストールしたソフトウェアをアンインストールし、包括的なウイルス スキャンを実行します。

3. ソフトウェアまたはシステムの問題の可能性を完全に排除するために、ハードディスク データをバックアップし、オペレーティング システムを再インストールします。

4. システムを再インストールしても問題が解決しない場合 ブルー スクリーンが頻繁に表示される場合は、マシンを最寄りのサービス センターに送ってさらにテストすることをお勧めします。

3. ラップトップの電源を入れた後、ブルー スクリーンが表示されますか?


コンピューターの電源が入っているときに USB インターフェイスに USB フラッシュ ドライブなどのストレージ デバイスがある場合、コンピューターにブルー スクリーンが表示され、正常に起動できない可能性があります。したがって、コンピュータの電源を入れたときにブルー スクリーンが表示された場合は、まず USB インターフェイスが USB フラッシュ ドライブ、メモリ カード、モバイル ハードディスク、その他の記憶装置に接続されているかどうかを確認する必要があります。接続されている場合は、すぐに取り外してから再起動してください。コンピューター;

ディスク モードを確認します:

USB インターフェイスに問題がないことが確認された場合は、次に、XP システム環境のほとんどのディスク モードが SATA か IDE であるかを確認します。 IDEを確認した後、BIOS設定を「Into grated」に変更します。「Peripherals」オプションの「SATAConfiguration」を変更し、設定を「IDE」または「Disab LED y」に変更して、コンピュータを再起動します。


上記の2つの方法でもコンピューターのブルースクリーンと起動できない問題を解決できない場合は、コンピューターの起動時に「F8」を押して確認してください。コンピュータをセーフ モードに移行し、そのような状況でもコンピュータがシステム インターフェイスとデスクトップをセーフ モードで実行できるかどうかを確認します。セーフ モードに移行できた場合は、レジストリ エディタで関連する変更を行うことができます。 [スタート] メニューを開き、プログラム検索バーに「msconfig」と入力します。検索が成功したら、マウスをクリックして実行を確認し、このウィンドウで [スタートアップ] オプションに切り替えます。特定の状況に基づいて不要なスタートアップ項目をすべて無効にして削除します。操作が完了したら再起動してください。

The laptop has a blue screen when it starts up and cannot enter the system. The solution is as follows:

1. Fix the error: If you frequently cannot enter the system normally, press F8 immediately after turning on the computer to see if you can enter safe mode or the last correct configuration mode. If so, After entering, it will automatically repair the registry and recall what operations were performed when the abnormality occurred several times before. If it is suspected that a certain application software is causing the problem, uninstall it, then exit normally, and then restart, you should be able to enter the normal state. model. If you have security software, you can use 360 ​​Security Guard plus 360 Antivirus or Kingsoft Antivirus and other security software in safe mode to scan and kill all Trojans and viruses.

  2. Reinstall the system: If the above operations are invalid, you need to reinstall the system. There are many ways to install the computer system. You can choose one of the methods listed below.

 1. Hard drive installation: Press the F11 key or F8 key after booting or restarting to see if one-key GHOST or similar software is installed. If so, select one-key restore and press Enter to confirm. After entering the one-key restore operation interface, select "Restore" is OK. If you have performed a one-click backup when you first installed the computer, you can restore it to the state at the time of backup.

In addition, if you can enter the current system or press F8 when booting to enter the command line mode, you can search for the GHOST.exe program and GHO system file of the WINDOWS version or DOS version, and then manually run the GHOST program to load the system GHO file and you can also restart it. Install the system.

 2. U disk installation: If there is no one-click restore, use the system U disk to reinstall the system.

 The steps to create a system U disk and reinstall the system are:

 1). Make a boot U disk: Go to a physical store to buy a 4-8G U disk (you can ask the boss to help make it into a system U disk, you can omit the following Step), search online to download a bootable USB flash drive creation tool such as Laomaotao or Chinese cabbage, insert the USB flash drive into the computer and run this software to create a bootable USB flash drive.

  2). Copy system files: Go online to the System Home website to download the GHO file of operating systems such as WINXP or WIN7, and copy it to a U disk or the U disk folder specified by the startup tool.

  3). Set the USB disk as the first boot disk: Turn on the computer and press the DEL key (usually F2 or other for laptops) to enter the BIOS setting interface, enter the BOOT tab to set the USB disk as the first boot item (Note: Some computers need to At this time, insert the USB flash drive for recognition before setting), then press F10 to save, exit and restart.

  4). Start the U disk and reinstall the system: Insert the U disk to start the computer, enter the U disk function menu, select "Install the system clone to Area C", press Enter to confirm and follow the prompts, the computer will automatically run GHOST The software automatically searches for the GHO files on the USB flash drive, clones them and installs them in Area C. The entire process requires little manual intervention until the system desktop is finally entered.

 3. CD installation: The computer uses a CD to reinstall the system. The steps are as follows:

 1) Prepare the system CD: If you don’t have one, you can go to a computer store to buy it.

  2) Set the CD to start the computer: After booting, press the DEL key (usually F2 or the hotkey according to the bottom line of the screen for notebooks) to enter CMOS, and set the optical drive (CD-ROM or DVD-ROM) in the BOOT tab As the first startup item, press F10 again to save and exit to restart.

 3) Insert the CD and start the computer: When restarting the computer, insert the system CD into the optical drive in time.

  4) Clone the system installation: After the CD is successfully started, the function menu will be displayed. At this time, select "Install the system clone to Area C" in the menu, press Enter to confirm, and then follow the prompts. The entire installation process is almost Fully automated, no human intervention required.

 Note: After installing the system, first install security software such as 360 Security Guard plus 360 Antivirus or Kingsoft Antivirus and other security software to conduct a comprehensive search and kill of Trojans and viruses, then apply system patches, install commonly used software, and download Install and use the one-click restore tool to backup your system in case of emergency.

  3. Hardware maintenance: If the problem still cannot be solved after the above operations are completed, hardware problems need to be considered.

 1. Re-insert the memory module and graphics card and wipe the gold finger with an eraser.

  2. Re-plug the power cord and data cable of the hard disk to rule out poor hard disk contact, and use the bootable USB disk or CD to start the computer, run DI SKG EN to detect the hard disk, and try to repair fragments, bad sectors or MBR boot fans. district.

 3. Establish a minimal system and replace hardware such as memory, hard disk, motherboard, graphics card, etc. one by one for testing to determine the source of the fault.

If none of the above operations can solve the blue screen problem when the laptop starts up, then there is no other way but to reinstall the system. I believe there are articles about system reinstallation that have been introduced to you, so I won’t go into details here

4. Blue screen when booting win7?

The most important thing is that you didn’t take a picture. There should be a file name in front of STOP, xxx.sys

Find which software xxx.sys belongs to, and then uninstall the software.

5. What should I do if the blue screen appears as soon as the laptop is turned on?

Don’t listen to their nonsense about reinstalling the system. Just enter the BIOS and change the hard disk mode from AHCI to IDE mode. It should be that when you installed win7, it was in IDE mode and the AHCI driver was not installed by default. After installing it, you changed it. Entering AHCI mode causes the system to have no driver. .

6. How to solve the problem of blue screen when turning on the computer?

As the guy above said, this is not a blue screen, but the bios settings page. It automatically enters the bios after booting, indicating that there are no default startup options to choose from, or the hard disk is not recognized.

Solution: ①Press the direction key →, switch to the Boot panel, and set the startup item

②Press and hold F12 to select the startup item as the hard disk

③Check whether the keyboard data cable in the host is loose. Just re-reinforce it

7. The computer host has a blue screen and no display when it starts up

The computer host starts up with a blue screen and no display problem is a problem that many computer users often encounter. When we turn on the computer host, a blue screen suddenly appears without any display. This situation is often very anxious and confusing. When faced with this kind of problem, many people may feel at a loss and not know how to solve it. Therefore, this blog post aims to provide you with solutions and suggestions for the blue screen no display problem when the computer host is turned on.

Possible reasons

A blue screen with no display when the computer host is turned on may be caused by a variety of factors. Some of the common causes include hardware failure, driver issues, operating system errors, insufficient power supply, etc. When solving such problems, we need to analyze the possible causes and eliminate them one by one to determine the specific cause of the blue screen.


Faced with the problem of blue screen and no display when the computer host is turned on, we can take some of the following solutions:

Check the hardware connection: First, we need to ensure that the hardware connection of the computer host is correct, including the connection between the monitor and the host, and the power supply Line etc. Sometimes, poor hardware connections can cause display issues. Check the power supply: Make sure the power supply to the computer host and monitor is normal. Sometimes a power cord failure or insufficient power supply can lead to a blue screen with no display at startup. Restart your computer: Try restarting your computer. Sometimes a simple restart can solve the problem. Enter safe mode: Try to enter the safe mode of your computer to see if it can be displayed normally. If it can be displayed normally, the problem may be caused by some third-party software or drivers. Update drivers: Check and update your computer's display drivers. Sometimes out-of-date drivers can cause display problems. Check for hardware failure: If the problem remains unsolved after eliminating the above possible causes, it may be caused by hardware failure. It is recommended to contact professional technicians for further inspection and repair.

Coping Suggestions

Faced with the problem of blue screen and no display when the computer host is turned on, we can also take some response suggestions to avoid similar problems from happening again:

Regular maintenance: Clean the inside of the computer host regularly to avoid dust accumulation and heat dissipation problems. Avoid overloading: Do not overload the computer host and try to avoid high-intensity use for a long time. Close unnecessary programs: Avoid starting too many unnecessary programs when turning on the computer to reduce the load on the host. Back up important data: Back up important data on your computer regularly to prevent data loss.

Generally speaking, a blue screen with no display when the computer host is turned on is a common problem that can be solved. By carefully troubleshooting the possible causes and applying the correct solutions and recommendations, we can effectively deal with these problems and keep your computer running normally.

8. The computer host has a blue screen and does not boot after restarting

Today we are going to talk about a very common problem, that is, the computer host has a blue screen and does not boot after restarting. For many people who use computers, they may feel very confused when encountering this situation and don't know how to deal with it. In this article, we will explore in detail the possible causes of this problem and how to fix it.

Analysis of possible causes:

First, let’s take a look at the possible reasons why the computer host fails to boot after a blue screen restart. This situation is usually caused by the following aspects:

Hardware failure: Problems with the hardware of the computer host are one of the common reasons for a blue screen restart and failure to boot. For example, memory module failure, hard disk damage, motherboard failure, etc. may cause this situation to occur. System errors: Operating system faults or errors are also an important cause of computer blue screen problems. The problem may be caused by damaged system files, incompatible drivers, etc. Overheating problem: Running the computer host for a long time may cause the hardware to overheat, which may lead to a blue screen restart and failure to boot. Power supply problem: There is a problem with the power supply of the computer host, such as power cord failure, unstable power supply, etc., which may cause the computer to fail to start normally.

Solution suggestions:

For the problem that the computer host fails to boot after a blue screen restart, we can try the following solutions to troubleshoot:

Check the hardware: First, you can check the hardware of the computer host to ensure that each hardware component is working properly, such as memory modules, hard drives, motherboards, etc. System recovery: Try to use the system recovery function to restore the system to a reliable previous point in time to eliminate problems caused by system errors. Clean and heat dissipation: Clean the radiator of the computer host regularly to ensure good heat dissipation and avoid failures caused by overheating. Replace the power supply: If you suspect that the fault is caused by a power supply problem, you can try to replace it with a reliable power supply and check whether the problem is solved.

In general, for the problem of the computer host failing to boot after blue screen restart, we need to be patient and careful to eliminate possible causes of the failure, and gradually adopt effective solutions to fix the problem. If the above methods cannot solve the problem, it is recommended to seek professional help in time to avoid more serious failures.

9. Computer host starts up with a blue screen of death and restarts.

Guide to solve the problem of computer host turning on a blue screen of death and restarting.

Computers are an indispensable tool in our modern life, and the computer host, as the core component of the computer, is responsible for running the system and processing Important tasks of software programs. However, sometimes we encounter problems such as blue screen on startup, crash and restart, etc., which affect our experience. This article will provide a detailed guide to solve the blue screen of death and restart problem of the computer host to help readers better deal with these problems.

Blue screen problem at startup

It is a common problem that a blue screen prompt appears during the startup process of the computer. This situation may be caused by hardware failure, driver issues or system errors. The key to solving the blue screen problem at startup is to find out the specific cause. Here are some common solutions:

Check the hardware connections: Make sure the hardware connections inside the computer host are firm and not loose or have poor connections. Update drivers: Check and update various hardware drivers of the computer host to maintain compatibility with the system. System repair: You can try to use system repair tools to repair the system to resolve possible system errors.

Crash restart problem

Crash restart refers to the situation where the computer suddenly freezes during operation and then automatically restarts. This kind of problem can be related to software conflicts, overheating, power issues, etc. The following are some measures to deal with the problem of crash and restart:

Clean the internal dust: Regularly clean the dust inside the computer host to ensure good heat dissipation and avoid overheating leading to crash. Eliminate software conflicts: Check whether recently installed software conflicts with the system or other programs, and uninstall or update the problematic software in a timely manner. Check the power supply: Make sure the power cord is firmly connected and the power output is stable to avoid power problems causing a crash and restart.

Other problem handling

In addition to the blue screen on boot and crash restart problems, the computer host may also experience various other failures, such as slow startup, failure to recognize hardware, etc. To address these problems, we can take the following methods to solve them:

Optimize startup items: Manage and optimize the system's startup items, reduce startup loading, and improve startup speed. Update system patches: Regularly update operating system patches and updates to fix known system vulnerabilities and errors. Virus detection: Use anti-virus software to conduct a full scan of your computer to eliminate potential virus threats.

Through the reasonable application of the above methods, we can more effectively solve the problem of blue screen of death and restart of the computer host, and improve the stability and performance of the computer. I hope this guide will be helpful to you and make your computer experience smoother and more enjoyable.

10. The computer host has a blue screen of death when it starts up

Recently, I have received a lot of inquiries about the computer host that has a blue screen of death when it starts up. This is a problem that bothers many people. In this blog post, I'll discuss this common computer problem in detail and possible solutions.

Possible reasons why the computer host has a blue screen of death when it starts up

First, let’s take a look at some common reasons why the computer host has a blue screen of death when it starts up. These problems may include:

Hardware failure, such as memory corruption or power supply issues, software conflicts, such as driver incompatibility or operating system errors, virus infection, causing system crashes


For the problem of the computer host getting a blue screen of death when starting up, we can Try the following solutions:

1. Check for hardware issues

First, we can check whether the computer’s hardware components are working properly. Turn on the computer host, check whether the memory module is installed correctly, and eliminate power supply problems.

2. Update drivers

Sometimes, the blue screen of death on the computer may be caused by outdated or damaged drivers. We can try to update the graphics card, sound card and other drivers to ensure their compatibility and stability.

3. Scan for viruses

Another common reason is a virus infection causing system crash. Use reliable antivirus software to perform a comprehensive scan of your system to eliminate potential threats.

4. System Recovery

If the problem persists, we can consider using the system restore function to restore the system to its previous normal state and eliminate the possibility that recently installed programs or updates may have caused the problem.


When the computer host has a blue screen of death when it is turned on, we can solve the problem by carefully checking the hardware, updating drivers, scanning for viruses, and performing system recovery. If the problem persists, it is recommended to seek professional technical support to ensure timely repair of computer failures and the smooth progress of work and study.

以上がPlayerUnknown の Battlegrounds のブルー スクリーンが起動できないの詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。

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