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2024-08-05 16:50:04770ブラウズ

小学校向けのコンピュータープログラミングを学びたいけど、まったくわかりませんか?小学生レベルでコンピューター プログラミングを独学するのは難しくありません。PHP エディター Banana は、小学生に適した入門レベルのコース、無料のオンライン リソース、実践的な学習スキルを紹介するガイドを提供します。ぜひ見つけて、お子様をプログラミングの世界への素晴らしい旅に出させてください。


1. 小学生でコンピュータープログラミングを独学?




2. マシニングセンターのコンピュータープログラミングを独学で始めますか?



素人の場合は、まず機械製図、一般的な工作機械の操作、CNC 工作機械の操作の基礎、基本的なプログラミング、コンピューター支援製図などを学んでいただければと思います。


3. コンピュータープログラミングを独学で学ぶ方法?

1. プログラミング言語を選択します

現在、スマートフォンからサーバー クラスターに至るまで 600 以上のプログラミング言語があり、すべてさまざまなプログラミング言語で書かれたプログラムが実行されています。ただし、現在人気のあるプログラミング言語は数十しかないため、プログラミングを始めるには、より人気のあるプログラミング言語を選択するようにしてください。明確なプログラミング シナリオがない初心者の場合は、Java、Python、C# などのフルシナリオ プログラミング言語を選択してください。これは、幅広いアプリケーションがあるだけでなく、参考や学習に役立つ開発事例が多数あります。

2. 基本的なプログラミングのアイデアを確立します。

プログラミング言語自体はそれほど難しいものではなく、対応するプログラミングルールをマスターすれば、徐々に独自のプログラミングのアイデアを構築することができます。プログラミングのアイデアを確立するための最初のステップは、プログラミング言語の基本的な文法規則を理解することです。Java 言語を例に挙げると、次のステップでは、クラス、オブジェクト、プロパティ、メソッドなどのさまざまな抽象概念を習得する必要があります。 3 番目のステップは、クラス定義、オブジェクトの作成、メソッドの呼び出しなどの基本的なプログラミング プロセスを理解することです。3 番目のステップは、古典的なプログラミング パターンを学習することです。

3. 読み書きを組み合わせるようにしてください

初心者の場合は、ビデオと本を使用して学習できます。これら 2 つの方法は補完的な関係を形成します。さらに、コードを読むことは、問題を解決し、ベスト プラクティスを理解するのにも役立ちます。ここでのコードの読み取りとは、書籍、ブログ投稿、オープン ソース コードなどを指します。プログラミング説明ビデオは、プログラミング構文などをすぐに習得するのに役立ちますが、通常はより鮮明で単純で非体系的です。本はより体系的で詳細ですが、退屈なので、本とビデオを組み合わせるのが最善の方法です。


4. 独学でプログラミングを始めてみませんか?

第一: 入門言語は非常に重要です

現在の多くの大学のコースでは、プログラミング関連の最初のコースは C 言語であり、一部の専攻ではアセンブリ言語がありますが、独習には C 言語が最も優れた入門言語です。

その二: 入門環境は非常に重要です

初めて学習を始めるとき、適切なプログラミング環境のサポートがなければ、多くの人が諦めると思います。現在、VC++6.0 (XP 環境下) が一般的に使用されています。ただし、システム上の理由により、現在主流の win7 との互換性は高くないため、ここでは C-free を使用することをお勧めします。 XPシステムユーザー。

3 番目: 始めることが非常に重要です

I just started learning, and I don’t seek in-depth understanding, because the understanding of language is based on the understanding of hardware. We start directly from high-level language, so don’t hold on to a certain point, swallow it first, and read the whole thing. This book. And follow the exercises step by step to complete the code exercises.

Fourth: Learning methods are very important

Classics cannot be learned once or twice. This book recommends beginners to learn at least twice. The most difficult thing is simple repetition. I believe that anyone who has the will can learn it at least twice. If you are learning programming but feel that you can't learn it, you will definitely feel something if you type the simplest helloworld program ten times by yourself.

Fifth: Learning rhythm is very important. It is necessary to develop good study habits, including the selection of study environment and study time period, and ensure continuity. Try not to give up halfway, and believe that you will learn well.

5. Self-study to get started with CNC programming?

First learn to build models (you can choose any one from creo ug catia, you don’t have to be good at it, just be able to draw the products you usually make). You need to look back at the drawings, and you also need to be able to read more complicated ones. There are mechanical drawings on the Internet Tutorials, and then learn computer programming (choose one from cimatron, mastercam ug) and also learn manual programming. If you are making molds, you only need to understand a little bit of manual programming. There are videos of these things on the Internet. As time goes by, you will learn Become an engineer.

6. How to learn computer programming by yourself?

It takes a certain amount of time and effort to learn computer programming by yourself. Here are some suggestions to help you start teaching yourself programming:

Choose a language to start learning: Choose a popular programming language such as Python, JavaScript, C++ or Java, etc. Learn the basics: Understand the basic concepts of programming, such as variables, loops, conditional statements, functions, etc. Find learning resources: Online courses, books, blogs, video tutorials, etc. are all great learning resources. Practice: Practice writing code and try to write some simple programs yourself. Participate in the community: Join the programming community and exchange learning experiences with other programming enthusiasts. Continue to learn: Programming is a constantly updated field, and you are constantly learning new knowledge and skills.

Notes Remember, learning to program requires patience and sustained effort. If you get stuck, don't give up, keep trying and you will definitely learn to program.

7. Self-study to get started with mold programming?

There are many introductory learning resources for self-study in mold programming, such as online tutorials, videos, forums, etc. Beginners can first learn about common mold programming languages ​​and software, such as SolidWorks, CATIA, etc., and then master basic operations and techniques through trial and error and practice. At the same time, you must maintain patience and perseverance, record what you have learned in a timely manner, and practice frequently to consolidate your knowledge. Communicating more with other learners, learning and sharing from them can also accelerate self-improvement.

The most important thing is to strengthen your confidence, constantly challenge yourself, and believe that you can master this skill.

8. How to get started with self-taught AI programming?

1. First of all, to learn AI programming, you need to have a certain programming foundation. It is recommended to first learn programming languages, such as Python, Java, etc.

2. To learn AI programming, you can learn some basic AI theories, including machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, etc.

3. Master some frameworks or tools related to AI programming, such as TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, etc.

4. Be familiar with some data processing and analysis tools, such as NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, etc.

5. Learn some AI applications, such as computer vision, autonomous driving, speech recognition, machine translation, etc.

6. Participate in some AI programming projects, such as projects on Kaggle, to deepen your understanding of AI programming.

7. Frequently read AI-related technical articles, get in touch with the latest AI technology, and enhance your knowledge reserve.

9. Self-study to get started with game programming?

1. First of all, it is recommended to learn C++ language.

2. If you just want to learn games in Windows, you can learn DirectX. This is very convenient for game development under Windows.

3. If you want to make cross-platform games, it is recommended to learn opengl/opengles. This is a very powerful and professional graphical interface. Because it is supported by many platforms, it is suitable for cross-platform game production.

4. If you want to learn 3D games and work quickly, it is recommended to learn game engines such as u3d engine and ue engine. With the above foundation, you can understand more deeply by learning these engines. u3d will also use c# and js language.

5. To make 2D games, you can use some engines such as cocos2dx. Of course, you can also use the above 3D engine to make 2D games.

6. Then you can conduct in-depth research on some open source game engines. The ultimate goal is to make a better game engine yourself.

10. How to get started with self-study of milling machine programming?

Introductory tutorial on programming for milling machine beginners

1. Before writing or programming, you should first compile the processing program of the workpiece. If the processing program of the workpiece is long and complex, it is best not to program on the machine tool, but use a programming machine or Computer programming can avoid taking up machine time, and short programs should also be written on the program sheet.

 2. When starting up, you usually need to turn on the machine tool first and then the system. In some designs, the two are interlocked. If the machine tool is not powered on, it cannot display information on the CRT.

 3. Reference point return For machine tools with incremental control systems (using incremental position detection components), this step must be performed first to establish the movement reference for each coordinate of the machine tool.

 4. According to the storage medium of the program (paper tape or magnetic tape, disk), you can use a paper tape reader, cassette tape machine, programming machine or serial communication input. If it is a simple program, you can directly use the keyboard to control the CNC Input on the panel, if the program is very simple and only one piece is processed, there is no need to save the program. MDI mode can be used to input people segment by segment and process segment by segment. In addition, the workpiece origin, tool parameters, offset amounts, and various compensation amounts used in the program must also be entered before processing.

 5. Program editing If the input program needs to be modified, it must be edited. At this time, put the mode selection switch to the editing position and use the editing keys to add, delete, and change. For editing methods, see the corresponding instructions.

 6. Lock the machine tool and run the program. This step is to check the program. If there are errors, you need to edit it again

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