ホームページ >ウェブフロントエンド >jsチュートリアル >html css js は XP ウィンドウ インターフェイスと関連関数を実装します_javascript スキル

html css js は XP ウィンドウ インターフェイスと関連関数を実装します_javascript スキル

2016-05-16 17:39:251287ブラウズ

注: このプログラムは IE でデバッグされています。他のブラウザにはバグがある可能性があります。申し訳ありません。

コードをコピー コードは次のとおりです:

Insert title here

<script> <br>alert("XP Window以IE测试,其他浏览器可能有BUG请见谅! 基本功能+四边四角顶部拖拉都已实现!") <br>alert("进行操作前,记得先初始化窗口哦!"); <br><br>/* <br>* create xp window and initialize <br>*/ <br>var myW = new MyWindow(); <br>function initialize() { <br>myW.setBackgroundDiv("mywindow"); <br>myW.setLeftDiv("mywindow_left"); <br>myW.setRightDiv("mywindow_right"); <br>myW.setBottomDiv("mywindow_bottom"); <br>myW.setTopDiv("mywindow_top"); <br>myW.initialEvent(); <br>} <br><br>/* <br>* list button event function <br>*/ <br>function hiddenWindow() { <br>myW.hidden(); <br>} <br><br>function showWindow() { <br>myW.show(); <br>} <br><br>function setAdjust(adj) { <br>myW.setAdjust(adj); <br>} <br><br>function showMaxSize() { <br>myW.showMaxSize(); <br>} <br><br>function getTop() { <br>myW.getTop(); <br>} <br><br>function getLeft() { <br>myW.getLeft(); <br>} <br><br>function getWidth() { <br>myW.getWidth(); <br>} <br><br>function getHeight() { <br>myW.getHeight(); <br>} <br><br>function removeWindow() { <br>myW.removeWindow(); <br>} <br><br>function addObject() { <br>myW.addObject(); <br>} <br><br>function deleteObject() { <br>myW.deleteObject(); <br>} <br><br>/* <br>* drag operation event function <br>*/ <br>function start(idName) { <br>myW.start(idName); <br>} <br><br>function move(idName) { <br>myW.move(idName); <br>} <br><br>function end(idName) { <br>myW.end(idName); <br>} <br><br></script>












* set select button, use list as button
/* set list button */
li {
display: inline;
white-space: nowrap;
float: left;
border: 0 solid white;
border-right-width: 2px;
border-bottom-width: 10px;
/* set */
a {
background-color: purple;
color: white;
text-decoration: none;
padding: 4px 6px;

/* set
: hover */
a:hover {
background-color: #FF5500;

* set every div position
div {
position: absolute;

* set window
#mywindow {
background-image: url("image/window_bgImage.png");
/* assign appear position */
top: 100px;
left: 200px;
/* assign initialization size of window */
width: 500px;
height: 400px;
* set bottom div of window
#mywindow_bottom {
background-image: url("image/window_bottom_middle_border.bmp");
background-repeat: repeat-x;
top: 374px;
left: 0px;
width: 100%;
height: 26px;
/* set drag div of bottom */
#mywindow_botton_right_corner {
background-image: url("image/window_control_drag.bmp");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
top: 8px;
left: 486px;
width: 12px;
height: 12px;
cursor: nw-resize;

* set right div of window
#mywindow_left {
background-image: url("image/window_left_border.bmp");
background-repeat: repeat-y;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
width: 4px;
height: 100%;
cursor: e-resize;
* set central div
#central {
top: 10%;
left: 10%;
width: 80%;
height: 80%;

* set left div of window
#mywindow_right {
background-image: url("image/window_right_border.bmp");
background-repeat: repeat-y;
top: 0px;
left: 100%;
width: 4px;
height: 100%;
cursor: e-resize;

* set top div of window
#mywindow_top {
background-image: url("image/window_top_header.bmp");
background-repeat: repeat-x;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
width: 100%;
height: 30px;
/* set left corner div of top */
#mywindow_top_left_corner {
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
background-image: url("image/window_top_left_corner.gif");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
width: 8px;
height: 100%;
/* set middle div of top, and set buttom image */
#mywindow_top_middle {
top: 0px;
left: 425px;
img.button {
float: right;
margin: 5px 1px;
/* set right corner div of top */
#mywindow_top_right_corner {
top: 0px;
left: 498px;
background-image: url("image/window_top_right_corner.bmp");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
width: 8px;
height: 100%;

#mywindow_right_corner {
top: 0%;
left: 100%;
width: 4px;
height: 4px;
cursor: ne-resize;
#mywindow_left_corner {
top: 0%;
left: 0%;
width: 4px;
height: 4px;
cursor: nw-resize;
#mywindow_rBottom_corner {
top: 99%;
left: 0%;
width: 4px;
height: 4px;
cursor: ne-resize;
#mywindow_top_drag {
top: 0%;
left: 2%;
width: 96%;
height: 4px;
cursor: n-resize;
#mywindow_bottom_drag {
top: 99%;
left: 2%;
width: 96%;
height: 4px;
cursor: n-resize;

复制代码 代码如下:

function MyWindow() {
/* 背景左下右下上 div */
var bgDiv = null;
var leftDiv = null;
var rightDiv = null;
varbottomDiv = null;
var topDiv = null;

/* ウィンドウの古い値 */
var oldTop = 100;
var oldLeft = 200;
var oldWidth = 500;
var oldHeight = 400;
var clickTopDivX = null;
var clickTopDivY = null;

/* 最大サイズかどうかを記録します */
var maxSize = false;
/* 調整するかどうかを記録します */
varAdjust = true;
/* ウィンドウ内でクリックしたかどうかを記録します */
var clickInWindow = false;
/* レコード追加オブジェクト */
var addObj = null;
/* マウスがダウンしているかどうかを記録します*/
var down = 0;

* ウィンドウの 5 つの div を設定します
this.setBackgroundDiv = function(idName) {
bgDiv = document.getElementById(idName);
this.setLeftDiv = function(idName) {
leftDiv = document.getElementById(idName);

this.setRightDiv = function(idName) {
rightDiv = document.getElementById(idName);

this.setBottomDiv = function(idName) {
bottomDiv = document.getElementById(idName);

this.setTopDiv = function(idName) {
topDiv = document.getElementById(idName);

/* ウィンドウのサイズを変更するかどうかを設定します */
this.setAdjust = function(Boolean) {
adjust = Boolean;

/* ウィンドウ div のイベントを初期化します */
this.initialEvent = function() {
document.onclick = judgeClick;

var close = document.getElementById("top_close_button");
close.onmouseover = closeMouseOver;
close.onmouseout = closeMouseOut;
close.onmousedown = closeMouseDown;
close.onclick = this.removeWindow;

var max = document.getElementById("top_max_button");
max.onmouseover = maxMouseOver;
max.onmouseout = maxMouseOut;
max.onmousedown = maxMouseDown;
max.onclick = showNormalOrMax;

var min = document.getElementById("top_min_button");
min.onmouseover = minMouseOver;
min.onmouseout = minMouseOut;
min.onmousedown = minMouseDown;
min.onclick = hiddenWindow;

/* 隠しウィンドウ */
this.hidden = function() {

/* ウィンドウを表示 */
this.show = function() {

* オブジェクトをウィンドウに追加し、削除します
this.addObject = function(){
if (addObj == null) {
addObj = document.createElement("p");
addObj.innerHTML = "公鸡中の战斗机、OYE! 你太有才了!";

this.deleteObject = function() {
addObj = null;

* ウィンドウ サイズ変更関数
* curTop curLeft: 新しい左上隅の座標
* curRight curBottom: 新しい右下隅の座標
* curWidth curHeight : 新しい幅と高さ
* ブール値: 新しいデータを記録するかどうか
function changeWindowSize(curTop, curLeft, curWidth, curHeight, Boolean) {
bgDiv.style.top = curTop;
bgDiv.style.left = curLeft;
bgDiv.style.width = curWidth;
bgDiv.style.height = curHeight;

/* 新しいデータを記録します */
if (Boolean) {
oldTop = curTop;
oldLeft = curLeft;
oldWidth = curWidth;
oldHeight = curHeight;
bottomDiv.style.top = curHeight - 26;
var bDivRCorner = document.getElementById("mywindow_botton_right_corner");
bDivRCorner.style.left = curWidth - 12;

var tDivMiddleButtom = document.getElementById("mywindow_top_middle");
tDivMiddleButtom.style.left = curWidth - 72;

var tDivRightCorner = document.getElementById("mywindow_top_right_corner");
tDivRightCorner.style.left = curWidth - 2;

/* assign idName の画像を変更 */
function changeImage(idName, imgSrc) {
var image = document.getElementById(idName);
image.src = imgSrc;

/* ウィンドウの最大サイズを表示 */
this.showMaxSize = function() {
if (調整) {
maxSize = true;

changeImage("top_max_button", "image/window_control_resile_normall.bmp");

var maxWidth = screen.availWidth;
var maxHeight = screen.availHeight;
changeWindowSize(0, 0, maxWidth, maxHeight, false);

/* ウィンドウを削除 */
this.removeWindow = function() {
if (bgDiv != null)
bgDiv.parentNode.removeChild( bgDiv);

* ウィンドウの上、左、幅、高さの値を取得
this.getTop = function() {
alert("Myウィンドウの最上位ピクセルは次のとおりです: " bgDiv.offsetTop);

this.getLeft = function() {
alert("ウィンドウの左側のピクセルは次のとおりです: " bgDiv.offsetLeft);

this.getWidth = function() {
alert("ウィンドウの幅ピクセルは次のとおりです: " bgDiv.offsetWidth);

this.getHeight = function() {
alert("ウィンドウの高さのピクセルは次のとおりです: " bgDiv.offsetHeight);
* マウスの位置を取得
* return [x, y]: マウスの x および y 座標
function getMouseXY() {
var x = イベント。ページ X || (event.clientX
|| document.body.scrollLeft

var y= イベント.pageY || (event.clientY
|| document.body.scrollTop

return [x, y];

* マウスのクリックがウィンドウ内であるかどうかを判断します
* つまり、ウィンドウが生きているかどうかを判断します
function subjectClick() {
/* マウスクリックサイトを取得 */
var coor = getMouseXY();

/* ウィンドウ内かどうかを判断します */
var myW = document.getElementById("mywindow");
var closeImage = document.getElementById("top_close_button");
var maxImage = document.getElementById("top_max_button");
var minImage = document.getElementById("top_min_button");

if (coor[0] >= myW.offsetLeft && coor[0] <= (myW.offsetLeft myW.offsetWidth)
&& coor[1] >= myW.offsetTop && coor [1] <= (myW.offsetHeight myW.offsetTop)) {
clickInWindow = true;

closeImage.src = "image/window_control_close_normall.bmp";

if(maxSize == true) {
maxImage.src = "image/window_control_resile_normall.bmp";
} else {
maxImage.src = "image/window_control_max_normall.bmp";

minImage.src = "image/window_control_min_normall.bmp";

} else {
clickInWindow = false;

closeImage.src = "image/window_control_close_blur.bmp";

if(maxSize == true) {
maxImage.src = "image/window_control_resile_blur.bmp";
} else {
maxImage.src = "image/window_control_max_blur.bmp";

minImage.src = "image/window_control_min_blur.bmp";

* トップボタンイベント関数
* マウスダウン、マウス移動、マウスアップ、マウス移動があります
関数closeMouseDown() {
changeImage("top_close_button", "image/window_control_close_mousedown.bmp");

function closeMouseOver() {
if(clickInWindow == true) {
changeImage("top_close_button", "image/window_control_close_mouseon.bmp");
} else {
changeImage("top_close_button", "image/window_control_close_blur.bmp");

function closeMouseOut() {
if(clickInWindow == true) {
changeImage("top_close_button", "image/window_control_close_normall.bmp");
} else {
changeImage("top_close_button", "image/window_control_close_blur.bmp");

function maxMouseDown(){
if (maxSize == true) {
changeImage("top_max_button", "image/window_control_resile_mousedown.bmp");
else {
changeImage("top_max_button", "image/window_control_max_mousedown.bmp");

function maxMouseOver() {
if (clickInWindow == true) {
if (maxSize == true) {
changeImage("top_max_button", "image/window_control_resile_mouseon.bmp");
else {
changeImage("top_max_button", "image/window_control_max_mouseon.bmp");
else {
if (maxSize == true) {
changeImage("top_max_button", "image/window_control_resile_blur.bmp");
else {
changeImage("top_max_button", "image/window_control_max_blur.bmp");

function maxMouseOut() {
if(clickInWindow == true) {
if (maxSize == true) {
changeImage( "top_max_button"、"image/window_control_resile_normall.bmp");
} else {
changeImage("top_max_button", "image/window_control_max_normall.bmp");
} else {
if (maxSize == true) {
changeImage("top_max_button", "image/window_control_resile_blur.bmp");
} else {
changeImage("top_max_button", "image/window_control_max_blur.bmp");

/* 最大マウス クリック イベント関数 */
function showNormalOrMax(){
if (maxSize &&Adjust) {
maxSize =間違い;
changeWindowSize(oldTop, oldLeft, oldWidth, oldHeight, true);
} else {

function minMouseDown() {
changeImage("top_min_button", "image/window_control_min_mousedown.bmp");

function minMouseOver() {
if(clickInWindow == true) {
changeImage("top_min_button", "image/window_control_min_mouseon.bmp");
} else {
changeImage("top_min_button", "image/window_control_min_blur.bmp");

function minMouseOut() {
if(clickInWindow == true) {
changeImage("top_min_button", "image/window_control_min_normall.bmp");
} else {
changeImage("top_min_button", "image/window_control_min_blur.bmp");

* ドラッグイベント function
this.start = function(idName) {
if(idName == "mywindow_top ") {
var coor = getMouseXY();
clickTopDivX = coor[0];
clickTopDivY = coor[1];
下 = 1;

this.move = function(idName) {
var curTop = oldTop;
var curLeft = oldLeft;
var curWidth = oldWidth;
var curHeight = oldHeight;
var coor = getMouseXY();

if (向下 && 調整 && !maxSize) {
if(idName == "mywindow_rBottom_corner") {
curLeft = coor[0];
curWidth = oldLeft - curLeft;
curHeight = coor[1] - oldTop;
if(curWidth curLeft = oldLeft oldWidth - 80;
} else if(idName == "mywindow_left_corner") {
curTop = coor[1];
curLeft = coor[0];
curWidth = oldLeft - curLeft;
curHeight = oldTop - curTop;
if(curHeight curTop = oldTop oldHeight - 40;
if(curWidth curLeft = oldLeft oldWidth - 80;
} else if(idName == "mywindow_right_corner") {
curTop = coor[1];
curWidth = coor[0] - curLeft;
curHeight = oldHeight oldTop - curTop;
if(curHeight curTop = oldTop oldHeight - 40;
} else if(idName == "mywindow_top") {
curTop = curTop coor[1] - clickTopDivY;
curLeft = curLeft coor[0] - clickTopDivX;
clickTopDivX = coor[0];
clickTopDivY = coor[1];
} else if(idName == "mywindow_right") {
curWidth = coor[0] - oldLeft;
} else if(idName == "mywindow_left") {
curLeft = coor[0];
curWidth = oldLeft - curLeft;
if(curWidth curLeft = oldLeft oldWidth - 80;
} else if(idName == "mywindow_top_drag") {
curTop = coor[1];
curHeight = oldTop - curTop;
if(curHeight curTop = oldTop oldHeight - 40;
} else if(idName == "mywindow_bottom_drag"){
curHeight = coor[1] - oldTop;
} else {
curWidth = coor[0] - oldLeft;
curHeight = coor[1] - oldTop;
if(curWidth curWidth = 80;

if(curHeight curHeight = 40;

changeWindowSize(curTop, curLeft, curWidth, curHeight, true);

this.end = function(idName) {
down = 0;
この記事の内容はネチズンが自主的に寄稿したものであり、著作権は原著者に帰属します。このサイトは、それに相当する法的責任を負いません。盗作または侵害の疑いのあるコンテンツを見つけた場合は、admin@php.cn までご連絡ください。