ホームページ >ウェブフロントエンド >jsチュートリアル >Jquery 時間検証および変換ツール small example_jquery

Jquery 時間検証および変換ツール small example_jquery

2016-05-16 17:30:401035ブラウズ
コードをコピー コードは次のとおりです:

var TimeObjectUtil;
* @title Time Tool Class
* @note This class will always violate the rules and verification will return false
* @author {boonyachengdu@gmail.com}
* @date 2013-07-01
* @formatter "2013-07-01 00:00:00" , "2013-07-01"
TimeObjectUtil = {
* Get the current time in milliseconds
    getCurrentMsTime : function() {
        var myDate = new Date();
        return myDate.getTime();
* Milliseconds to time format
    longMsTimeConvertToDateTime : function(time) {
        var myDate = new Date(time);
        return this.formatterDateTime(myDate);
* Convert time format to milliseconds
    dateToLongMsTime : function(date) {
        var myDate = new Date(date);
        return myDate.getTime();
* Format date (excluding time)
    formatterDate : function(date) {
        var datetime = date.getFullYear()
                "-"// "年"
                ((date.getMonth() 1) > 10 ? (date.getMonth() 1) : "0"
                        (date.getMonth() 1))
                "-"// "月"
                (date.getDate() < 10 ? "0" date.getDate() : date
        return datetime;
* Format date (including time "00:00:00")
    formatterDate2 : function(date) {
        var datetime = date.getFullYear()
                "-"// "年"
                ((date.getMonth() 1) > 10 ? (date.getMonth() 1) : "0"
                        (date.getMonth() 1))
                "-"// "月"
                (date.getDate() < 10 ? "0" date.getDate() : date
                        .getDate()) " " "00:00:00";
        return datetime;
* 日付の形式 (時間を含む)
formatterDateTime : function(date) {
var datetime = date.getFull Year()
"-"// "年"
((date .getMonth() 1) > 10 ? (date.getMonth() 1) : "0"
(date.getMonth() 1))
"-"// "月"
(日付.getDate() < "0" date.getDate() : date
(date.getHours() < 1 0 ? "0" 日付.getHours () : date
(date.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0" date.getMinutes() : date
(date.getSeconds() < 10 ? "0" date.getSeconds() : date
return datetime;
* 時間比較 {終了時間が開始時間より大きい}
compareDateEndTimeGTStartTime : function(startTime, endTime) {
return ((new Date(endTime.replace(/-/g, "/"))) > (new Date(
startTime.replace(/-/g, "/"))));
* 開始時刻の妥当性を検証します {開始時刻は現在時刻から {X} か月未満にすることはできません}
CompareRightStartTime : function(month, startTime ) {
var now = formatterDayAndTime(new Date());
var sms = new Date(startTime.replace(/-/g, "/"));
var ems = new Date(now .replace(/-/g, "/"));
var tDayms = month * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
var dvalue = ems - sms;
if (dvalue > tDayms) {
return false;
return true;
* 開始時刻の妥当性を検証します {終了時刻は現在時刻から {X} か月未満であってはなりません}
CompareRightEndTime : function(month, endTime) {
var now = formatterDayAndTime(new Date());
var sms = new Date(now.replace(/-/g, "/"));
var ems = new Date(endTime.replace(/-) /g, "/"));
var tDayms = month * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
var dvalue = sms - ems;
if (dvalue > tDayms) {
return false;
return true;
* 验证開始時間性{終了時間と開始時間の間隔は長くできません{X}个月}に
CompareEndTimeGTStartTime : function(month, startTime, endTime) {
var sms = new Date(startTime.replace(/-/g, "/"));
var ems = new Date(endTime.replace(/-/g, "/"));
var tDayms = month * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
var dvalue = ems - sms;
if ( dvalue > tDayms) {
return false;
return true;
* 過去数日間を取得します [開始時間と終了時間の値、時間は前方に推定されます]
getRecentDaysDateTime : function(day) {
var daymsTime = day * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
varyesterDatsmsTime = this.getCurrentMsTime() - daymsTime;
var startTime = this.longMsTimeConvertToDateTime(yesterDatsmsTime);
var pastDate = this.formatterDate2 (new Date(startTime));
var nowDate = this.formatterDate2(new Date());
var obj = {
startTime : pastDate,
endTime : nowDate
return obj;
* 今日の[開始時刻と終了時刻の値]を取得します
getTodayDateTime : function() {
var daymsTime = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
var TomorrowD atsms時間 = this.getCurrentMsTime() daymsTime;
var currentTime = this.longMsTimeConvertToDateTime(this.getCurrentMsTime());
var termorrowTime = this.longMsTimeConvertToDateTime(tomorrowDatsmsTime);
var nowDate = this.formatterDate 2(新しい日付( currentTime));
var TomorrowDate = this.formatterDate2(new Date(termorrowTime));
var obj = {
startTime : nowDate,
endTime : TomorrowDate
return obj;
* 明日の [開始時刻と終了時刻の値] を取得します
* /
daymstime = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
var Tomorrowdatsmstime = this.getCurrentMStime () daymsTime;
var termorrowTime = this.longMsTimeConvertToDateTime(tomorrowDatsmsTime);
var theDayAfterTomorrowDatsmsTime = this.getCurrentMsTime() (2 * daymsTime);
var theDayAfterTomorrowTime = this.longMsTimeCon vertToDateTime(theDayAfterTomorrowDatsmsTime);
var pastDate = this.formatterDate2(new Date(termorrowTime));
var nowDate = this.formatterDate2(new Date(theDayAfterTomorrowTime));
var obj = {
startTime : pastDate,
終了時間 : nowDate
return obj;
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