Insert data from excel to database

2016-06-07 17:40:471196ブラウズ

USE ESPATruncate table dbo.Interface_Customer--Delete the table data but retain the structureexec sp_configure "show advanced options",1reconfiguregoexec sp_configure "Ad Hoc Distributed Queries",1reconfigure go--Open peripheral component

USE ESPA Truncate table dbo.Interface_Customer --Delete the table data but retain the structure exec sp_configure "show advanced options",1 reconfigure go exec sp_configure "Ad Hoc Distributed Queries",1 reconfigure go --Open peripheral component and service related to data imput and export INSERT INTO Interface_Customer (Cust_Code,Cust_Name, Src_Sys_Code,Currency,Customer_group) SELECT Cust_Code, [Cust_Name ( Chinese)], Src_Sys_Code, Currency, [Customer group] from OPENDATASOURCE ('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0','Data Source="E:\eSPA_database\eSpa2_Test_data-Product.xls";Extended properties=Excel 8.0')...sheet1$ --Insert data from excel to database exec sp_configure "Ad Hoc Distributed Queries",0 reconfigure go exec sp_configure "show advanced options",0 reconfigure go ,免备案空间,网站空间,美国服务器

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