ホームページ >データベース >mysql チュートリアル >如何解决Oracle GoldenGate 没有主键的问题?
本站文章除注明转载外,均为本站原创: 转载自love wife love life —Roger 的Oracle技术博客 本文链接地址: 如何解决Oracle GoldenGate 没有主键的问题? 针对没有主键的情况,GoldenGate大概提供了3种方案,大致如下: 1、默认使用所有列当主键,通过keyco
本站文章除注明转载外,均为本站原创: 转载自love wife & love life —Roger 的Oracle技术博客
本文链接地址: 如何解决Oracle GoldenGate 没有主键的问题?
我这里测试的ogg抽取9208 Dataguard standby,同步到10205的例子。另外,我们这里9i的环境和10g环境均在同一个主机.
SQL> conn roger/roger Connected. SQL> create table t_ALL_TABLES as select * from sys.ALL_TABLES where 1=2; Table created.
GGSCI (killdb.com) 2> view param ext_std extract ext_std userid ggs@killdb,password ggs tranlogoptions archivedlogonly tranlogoptions altarchivelogdest /home/ora9/arch_s exttrail /home/ora9/ggs/dirdat/ra discardfile ./dirrpt/exta.dsc,append, megabytes 500 fetchoptions USEROWID table roger.t_all_tables, tokens (TKN-ROWID = @GETENV ("RECORD", "rowid")) keycols (owner) ; table roger.t_buffer; GGSCI (killdb.com) 3> view param dp1 EXTRACT dp1 RMTHOST, MGRPORT 7809 TCPBUFSIZE 5000000 PASSTHRU RMTTRAIL ./dirdat/r1 NUMFILES 3000 TABLE roger.*; GGSCI (killdb.com) 5> dblogin userid ggs@killdb,password ggs Successfully logged into database. GGSCI (killdb.com) 6> add trandata roger.t_all_Tables cols(owner) nokey 2014-12-17 01:49:59 WARNING OGG-00869 No unique key is defined for table T_ALL_TABLES. All viable columns will be used to represent the key, but may not guarantee uniqueness. KEYCOLS may be used to define the key. Logging of supplemental redo data enabled for table ROGER.T_ALL_TABLES.
2. 目标端
www.killdb.com>create table t_all_tables as select * from sys.all_tables where 1=2; Table created. www.killdb.com>alter table t_all_Tables drop column STATUS ; Table altered. www.killdb.com>alter table t_all_Tables drop column DROPPED; Table altered. www.killdb.com>alter table t_all_tables add (row_id rowid); Table altered. www.killdb.com> alter table roger.t_all_Tables add constraint t_all_tables_pk unique (row_id) enable; Table altered.
GGSCI (killdb.com) 2> view param rep6 replicat rep6 userid ggs@Roger,password AADAAAAAAAAAAADAKHEJYIFGVAKDPFZBGDFJNEQBBJRISJAAOCHHZEWCEFTCRIRCJDSHUHAJZBFDZEWC,encryptkey kasaur_key reperror default, discard discardfile ./dirrpt/rep6.dsc, append, megabytes 50 handlecollisions assumetargetdefs ----allownoopupdates numfiles 3000 map roger.t_buffer, target roger.t_buffer; map roger.t_all_tables , target roger.t_all_tables colmap (usedefaults, row_id = @token ("TKN-ROWID")) keycols (row_id);
3. 启动进程
GGSCI (killdb.com) 5> info all Program Status Group Lag Time Since Chkpt MANAGER RUNNING EXTRACT RUNNING DP1 00:00:00 00:00:07 EXTRACT RUNNING EXT_STD 00:00:00 00:00:07
GGSCI (killdb.com) 3> info all Program Status Group Lag at Chkpt Time Since Chkpt MANAGER RUNNING JAGENT STOPPED EXTRACT ABENDED DP1 00:00:00 568:19:49 EXTRACT ABENDED EXT1 00:00:00 309:16:06 REPLICAT STOPPED REP5 00:00:00 596:25:54 REPLICAT RUNNING REP6 00:00:00 00:00:02
4. 源端插入测试数据
SQL> insert into t_all_Tables select * from sys.all_Tables where rownum commit; Commit complete. SQL> alter system switch logfile; System altered. SQL>
www.killdb.com>select count(1) from t_all_Tables; COUNT(1) ---------- 10 www.killdb.com>select owner,table_name,row_id from t_all_Tables; OWNER TABLE_NAME ROW_ID ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------ SYS SEG$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAA SYS CLU$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAB SYS OBJ$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAC SYS FILE$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAD SYS COL$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAE SYS CON$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAF SYS PROXY_DATA$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAG SYS USER$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAH SYS IND$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAI SYS FET$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAJ 10 rows selected.
SQL> delete from t_all_tables where rownum commit; Commit complete. SQL> alter system switch logfile; System altered. SQL> select count(1) from t_all_tables; COUNT(1) ---------- 6 SQL> select owner,table_name,rowid from t_all_tables; OWNER TABLE_NAME ROWID ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------ SYS COL$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAE SYS CON$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAF SYS PROXY_DATA$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAG SYS USER$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAH SYS IND$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAI SYS FET$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAJ 6 rows selected.
www.killdb.com>select count(1) from t_all_Tables; COUNT(1) ---------- 6 www.killdb.com>select owner,table_name,row_id from t_all_Tables; OWNER TABLE_NAME ROW_ID ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------ SYS COL$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAE SYS CON$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAF SYS PROXY_DATA$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAG SYS USER$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAH SYS IND$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAI SYS FET$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAJ 6 rows selected. www.killdb.com>
SQL> select owner,table_name,rowid from t_all_tables; OWNER TABLE_NAME ROWID ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------ SYS COL$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAE SYS CON$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAF SYS PROXY_DATA$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAG SYS USER$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAH SYS IND$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAI SYS FET$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAJ 6 rows selected. SQL> update t_all_tables set owner='killdb.com' where table_name='COL$'; 1 row updated. SQL> update t_all_tables set owner='killdb.com' where rowid='AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAF'; 1 row updated. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> alter system switch logfile; System altered. SQL> select owner,table_name,rowid from t_all_tables; OWNER TABLE_NAME ROWID ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------ killdb.com COL$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAE killdb.com CON$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAF SYS PROXY_DATA$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAG SYS USER$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAH SYS IND$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAI SYS FET$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAJ 6 rows selected.
www.killdb.com> select owner,table_name,row_id from t_all_Tables; OWNER TABLE_NAME ROW_ID ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------ killdb.com COL$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAE killdb.com CON$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAF SYS PROXY_DATA$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAG SYS USER$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAH SYS IND$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAI SYS FET$ AAAH3QAABAAAV0yAAJ 6 rows selected. www.killdb.com>
我们可以看到ogg完全是可以支持利用构造rowid伪列的方式来解决没有主键的问题。 然而这种方法
也有一个很大的问题:迁移之后,新环境中的row_id 伪列需要进行drop,这个drop的动作是非常坑爹的。
例如我们客户这里的系统,均为2.5TB以上的,最大12TB的库,那么drop column就疯掉了。
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