ホームページ >データベース >mysql チュートリアル >Dul基本使用
这几天朋友问我dul怎么用,抽时间给他做了个实验。其实网上已经有很多dul的使用方法,而且我也不推荐使用dul、odu这样的工具去恢复数据,这是体力活的. 而且现在最新版都是时间限制,好像是40多天,具体的忘记了。希望大家不要用到此种类似的工具 dul主要的
dul主要的参数文件为init.dul 下面是个例子
╭─oracle@enmotech ~/dul ╰─? cat init.dul osd_big_endian_flag=false --小字节平台 osd_dba_file_bits=10 osd_c_struct_alignment=32 osd_file_leader_size=1 osd_word_size = 32 #osd这些参数涉及到主机平台的 feedback = 1000 dc_columns=2000000 dc_tables=10000 dc_objects=1000000 dc_users=400 dc_segments=100000 USE_LOB_FILES =TRUE CONTROL_FILE = file.txt --指定了要抽出的文件信息 LDR_ENCLOSE_CHAR=| db_block_size=8192 export_mode=FALSE --使用文件格式导出文件,true导出dmp文件 compatible=11
dul第二个主要文件是CONTROL_FILE参数指定的文件,. 下面是个例子
╭─oracle@enmotech ~/dul ╰─? cat file.txt 0 1 /oradata/orcl/system01.dbf 1 2 /oradata/orcl/sysaux01.dbf 2 3 /oradata/orcl/undotbs01.dbf 4 4 /oradata/orcl/users01.dbf 30 5 /oradata/orcl/test01.dbf 28 6 /oradata/orcl/dbtk.dbf 29 7 /oradata/orcl/ignite.dbf 5 8 /oradata/orcl/goldengate01.dbf 31 9 /oradata/orcl/ogg_test01.dbf 33 1024 /oradata/orcl/big_test.dbf ╭─oracle@enmotech ~/dul 这里也可以直接写文件名 ╭─oracle@enmotech ~/dul ╰─? cat file.txt 1 ? /oradata/orcl/system01.dbf /oradata/orcl/sysaux01.dbf /oradata/orcl/undotbs01.dbf /oradata/orcl/users01.dbf /oradata/orcl/test01.dbf /oradata/orcl/dbtk.dbf /oradata/orcl/ignite.dbf /oradata/orcl/goldengate01.dbf /oradata/orcl/ogg_test01.dbf /oradata/orcl/big_test.dbf ╭─oracle@enmotech ~/dul ╰─?
╭─oracle@enmotech ~/dul ╰─? ./dul Data UnLoader: - Internal Only - on Tue Jul 15 12:22:17 2014 with 64-bit io functions Copyright (c) 1994 2014 Bernard van Duijnen All rights reserved. Strictly Oracle Internal Use Only DUL: Warning: Recreating file "dul.log" Found db_id = 1348727197 Found db_name = ORCL DUL> show datafiles --查看数据文件 ts# rf# start blocks offs open err file name 0 1 0 89601 0 0 0 /oradata/orcl/system01.dbf 1 2 0 409601 0 0 0 /oradata/orcl/sysaux01.dbf 2 3 0 240225 0 0 0 /oradata/orcl/undotbs01.dbf 4 4 0 129601 0 0 0 /oradata/orcl/users01.dbf 30 5 0 6401 0 0 0 /oradata/orcl/test01.dbf 28 6 0 75537 0 0 0 /oradata/orcl/dbtk.dbf 29 7 0 25601 0 0 0 /oradata/orcl/ignite.dbf 5 8 0 2561 0 0 0 /oradata/orcl/goldengate01.dbf 31 9 0 118537 0 1 0 /oradata/orcl/ogg_test01.dbf 33 1024 0 12801 0 1 0 /oradata/orcl/big_test.dbf DUL> bootstrap --挖掘数据字典 2 ; Probing file = 1, block = 520 . unloading table BOOTSTRAP$ DUL: Warning: block number is non zero but marked deferred trying to process it anyhow 60 rows unloaded DUL: Warning: Dictionary cache DC_BOOTSTRAP is empty Reading BOOTSTRAP.dat 60 entries loaded Parsing Bootstrap$ contents DUL: Warning: Recreating file "dict.ddl" Generating dict.ddl for version 11 OBJ$: segobjno 18, file 1 block 240 TAB$: segobjno 2, tabno 1, file 1 block 144 COL$: segobjno 2, tabno 5, file 1 block 144 USER$: segobjno 10, tabno 1, file 1 block 208 Running generated file "@dict.ddl" to unload the dictionary tables . unloading table OBJ$ 14530 rows unloaded . unloading table TAB$ 1450 rows unloaded . unloading table COL$ 63476 rows unloaded . unloading table USER$ 45 rows unloaded Reading USER.dat 45 entries loaded Reading OBJ.dat 14530 entries loaded and sorted 14530 entries Reading TAB.dat 1450 entries loaded Reading COL.dat 63476 entries loaded and sorted 63476 entries Reading BOOTSTRAP.dat 60 entries loaded DUL: Warning: Recreating file "dict.ddl" Generating dict.ddl for version 11 OBJ$: segobjno 18, file 1 block 240 TAB$: segobjno 2, tabno 1, file 1 block 144 COL$: segobjno 2, tabno 5, file 1 block 144 USER$: segobjno 10, tabno 1, file 1 block 208 TABPART$: segobjno 568, file 1 block 3872 INDPART$: segobjno 573, file 1 block 3912 TABCOMPART$: segobjno 590, file 1 block 4056 INDCOMPART$: segobjno 595, file 1 block 4096 TABSUBPART$: segobjno 580, file 1 block 3976 INDSUBPART$: segobjno 585, file 1 block 4016 IND$: segobjno 2, tabno 3, file 1 block 144 ICOL$: segobjno 2, tabno 4, file 1 block 144 LOB$: segobjno 2, tabno 6, file 1 block 144 COLTYPE$: segobjno 2, tabno 7, file 1 block 144 TYPE$: segobjno 495, tabno 1, file 1 block 3344 COLLECTION$: segobjno 495, tabno 2, file 1 block 3344 ATTRIBUTE$: segobjno 495, tabno 3, file 1 block 3344 LOBFRAG$: segobjno 601, file 1 block 4144 LOBCOMPPART$: segobjno 604, file 1 block 4168 UNDO$: segobjno 15, file 1 block 224 TS$: segobjno 6, tabno 2, file 1 block 176 PROPS$: segobjno 98, file 1 block 800 Running generated file "@dict.ddl" to unload the dictionary tables . unloading table OBJ$ DUL: Warning: Recreating file "OBJ.ctl" 14530 rows unloaded . unloading table TAB$ DUL: Warning: Recreating file "TAB.ctl" 1450 rows unloaded . unloading table COL$ DUL: Warning: Recreating file "COL.ctl" 63476 rows unloaded . unloading table USER$ DUL: Warning: Recreating file "USER.ctl" 45 rows unloaded . unloading table TABPART$ 147 rows unloaded . unloading table INDPART$ 153 rows unloaded . unloading table TABCOMPART$ 5 rows unloaded . unloading table INDCOMPART$ 4 rows unloaded . unloading table TABSUBPART$ 38 rows unloaded . unloading table INDSUBPART$ 6 rows unloaded . unloading table IND$ 1757 rows unloaded . unloading table ICOL$ 3609 rows unloaded . unloading table LOB$ 218 rows unloaded . unloading table COLTYPE$ 1594 rows unloaded . unloading table TYPE$ 1328 rows unloaded . unloading table COLLECTION$ 338 rows unloaded . unloading table ATTRIBUTE$ 5676 rows unloaded . unloading table LOBFRAG$ 1 row unloaded . unloading table LOBCOMPPART$ 0 rows unloaded . unloading table UNDO$ 41 rows unloaded . unloading table TS$ 36 rows unloaded . unloading table PROPS$ 36 rows unloaded Reading USER.dat 45 entries loaded Reading OBJ.dat 14530 entries loaded and sorted 14530 entries Reading TAB.dat 1450 entries loaded Reading COL.dat 63476 entries loaded and sorted 63476 entries Reading TABPART.dat 147 entries loaded and sorted 147 entries Reading TABCOMPART.dat 5 entries loaded and sorted 5 entries Reading TABSUBPART.dat 38 entries loaded and sorted 38 entries Reading INDPART.dat 153 entries loaded and sorted 153 entries Reading INDCOMPART.dat 4 entries loaded and sorted 4 entries Reading INDSUBPART.dat 6 entries loaded and sorted 6 entries Reading IND.dat 1757 entries loaded Reading LOB.dat 218 entries loaded Reading ICOL.dat 3609 entries loaded Reading COLTYPE.dat 1594 entries loaded Reading TYPE.dat 1328 entries loaded Reading ATTRIBUTE.dat 5676 entries loaded Reading COLLECTION.dat 338 entries loaded Reading BOOTSTRAP.dat 60 entries loaded Reading LOBFRAG.dat 1 entries loaded and sorted 1 entries Reading LOBCOMPPART.dat 0 entries loaded and sorted 0 entries Reading UNDO.dat 41 entries loaded Reading TS.dat 36 entries loaded Reading PROPS.dat 36 entries loaded Database character set is ZHS16GBK Database national character set is AL16UTF16 DUL> show undo; --查看undo us# status$ Description name segment header block 0 3 KTUINUSE (in use) SYSTEM ts 0 file 1 block 128 1 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU1_1369880276$ ts 2 file 3 block 128 2 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU2_532028113$ ts 2 file 3 block 144 3 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU3_2108513962$ ts 2 file 3 block 160 4 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU4_3639597549$ ts 2 file 3 block 176 5 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU5_3500755112$ ts 2 file 3 block 192 6 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU6_2567534412$ ts 2 file 3 block 208 7 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU7_3504403778$ ts 2 file 3 block 224 8 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU8_2645069961$ ts 2 file 3 block 240 9 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU9_595419161$ ts 2 file 3 block 256 10 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU10_2169650900$ ts 2 file 3 block 272 11 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU11_4171576427$ ts 26 file 7 block 128 12 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU12_2246972428$ ts 26 file 7 block 144 13 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU13_716936117$ ts 26 file 7 block 160 14 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU14_1643483354$ ts 26 file 7 block 176 15 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU15_3959622672$ ts 26 file 7 block 192 16 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU16_1040802448$ ts 26 file 7 block 208 17 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU17_2705027949$ ts 26 file 7 block 224 18 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU18_1778755453$ ts 26 file 7 block 240 19 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU19_113712248$ ts 26 file 7 block 256 20 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU20_3294746070$ ts 26 file 7 block 272 21 2 KTUAVAIL (available) _SYSSMU21_200063127$ ts 2 file 3 block 128 22 2 KTUAVAIL (available) _SYSSMU22_2449563750$ ts 2 file 3 block 144 23 2 KTUAVAIL (available) _SYSSMU23_2921712717$ ts 2 file 3 block 160 24 2 KTUAVAIL (available) _SYSSMU24_1606202302$ ts 2 file 3 block 176 25 2 KTUAVAIL (available) _SYSSMU25_2650409587$ ts 2 file 3 block 192 26 2 KTUAVAIL (available) _SYSSMU26_3913076954$ ts 2 file 3 block 208 27 2 KTUAVAIL (available) _SYSSMU27_3238715147$ ts 2 file 3 block 224 28 2 KTUAVAIL (available) _SYSSMU28_2600633533$ ts 2 file 3 block 240 29 2 KTUAVAIL (available) _SYSSMU29_2643192669$ ts 2 file 3 block 256 30 2 KTUAVAIL (available) _SYSSMU30_440934135$ ts 2 file 3 block 272 31 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU31_2304516445$ ts 27 file 6 block 128 32 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU32_3887112535$ ts 27 file 6 block 144 33 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU33_88603952$ ts 27 file 6 block 160 34 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU34_1689777477$ ts 27 file 6 block 176 35 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU35_2746457455$ ts 27 file 6 block 192 36 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU36_3504890656$ ts 27 file 6 block 208 37 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU37_3917047416$ ts 27 file 6 block 224 38 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU38_1684124047$ ts 27 file 6 block 240 39 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU39_2587846914$ ts 27 file 6 block 256 40 1 KTUINVAL (invalid) _SYSSMU40_2956833625$ ts 27 file 6 block 272 DUL> desc travel.t1 --查看表结构 2 ; Table TRAVEL.T1 obj#= 17424, dataobj#= 17424, ts#= 4, file#= 4, block#=85802 tab#= 0, segcols= 16, clucols= 0 Column information: icol# 01 segcol# 01 OWNER len 30 type 1 VARCHAR2 cs 852(ZHS16GBK) icol# 02 segcol# 02 OBJECT_NAME len 128 type 1 VARCHAR2 cs 852(ZHS16GBK) icol# 03 segcol# 03 SUBOBJECT_NAME len 30 type 1 VARCHAR2 cs 852(ZHS16GBK) icol# 04 segcol# 04 OBJECT_ID len 22 type 2 NUMBER(0,-127) icol# 05 segcol# 05 DATA_OBJECT_ID len 22 type 2 NUMBER(0,-127) icol# 06 segcol# 06 OBJECT_TYPE len 19 type 1 VARCHAR2 cs 852(ZHS16GBK) icol# 07 segcol# 07 CREATED len 7 type 12 DATE icol# 08 segcol# 08 LAST_DDL_TIME len 7 type 12 DATE icol# 09 segcol# 09 TIMESTAMP len 19 type 1 VARCHAR2 cs 852(ZHS16GBK) icol# 10 segcol# 10 STATUS len 7 type 1 VARCHAR2 cs 852(ZHS16GBK) icol# 11 segcol# 11 TEMPORARY len 1 type 1 VARCHAR2 cs 852(ZHS16GBK) icol# 12 segcol# 12 GENERATED len 1 type 1 VARCHAR2 cs 852(ZHS16GBK) icol# 13 segcol# 13 SECONDARY len 1 type 1 VARCHAR2 cs 852(ZHS16GBK) icol# 14 segcol# 14 NAMESPACE len 22 type 2 NUMBER(0,-127) icol# 15 segcol# 15 EDITION_NAME len 30 type 1 VARCHAR2 cs 852(ZHS16GBK) icol# 16 segcol# 16 ID len 22 type 2 NUMBER(0,-127) DUL> unload table travel.t1; --unload table . unloading table T1 0 rows unloaded DUL> unload table travel.t2; . unloading table T2 . Unloading partition T_R_P1 . Unloading sub partition SYS_SUBP64 . Unloading partition T_R_P2 . Unloading sub partition SYS_SUBP65 . Unloading partition T_R_P3 . Unloading sub partition T_R_P3_H1 . Unloading sub partition T_R_P3_H2 . Unloading sub partition T_R_P3_H3 . Unloading partition T_R_PD . Unloading sub partition SYS_SUBP66 . table T2 total 2 rows unloaded DUL> unload table travel.t3; . unloading table T3 2838 rows unloaded
原文地址:Dul基本使用, 感谢原作者分享。