ホームページ >データベース >mysql チュートリアル >pymongo教程(3)自定义数据类型
pymongo提供一些常用的数据类型,如:数据、字符串、日期等。如果感觉还不能满足需求,那么还可以自定义数据类型。 首先定义一个类: class Custom(object): def __init__(self, x): self.__x = x def x(self): return self.__x 要将自定义类型的数据存入数
class Custom(object): def __init__(self, x): self.__x = x def x(self): return self.__x
def encode_custom(custom): return {"_type": "custom", "x": custom.x()} def decode_custom(document): assert document["_type"] == "custom" return Custom(document["x"]) print(db.test.insert({"custom": encode_custom(Custom(5))})) print(db.test.find_one()['custom'])
手动地进行编码虽然可行,但是还是不太方便。我们还可以使用 SONManipulator 进行自动编码。
from pymongo.son_manipulator import SONManipulator class Transform(SONManipulator): def transform_incoming(self, son, collection): for (key, value) in son.items(): if isinstance(value, Custom): son[key] = encode_custom(value) elif isinstance(value, dict): # Make sure we recurse into sub-docs son[key] = self.transform_incoming(value, collection) return son def transform_outgoing(self, son, collection): for (key, value) in son.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): if "_type" in value and value["_type"] == "custom": son[key] = decode_custom(value) else: # Again, make sure to recurse into sub-docs son[key] = self.transform_outgoing(value, collection) return son db.add_son_manipulator(Transform()) print(db.test.insert({"custom": Custom(5)})) print(db.test.find_one())
from bson.binary import Binary def to_binary(custom): return Binary(str(custom.x()), 128) def from_binary(binary): return Custom(int(binary)) class TransformToBinary(SONManipulator): def transform_incoming(self, son, collection): for (key, value) in son.items(): if isinstance(value, Custom): son[key] = to_binary(value) elif isinstance(value, dict): son[key] = self.transform_incoming(value, collection) return son def transform_outgoing(self, son, collection): for (key, value) in son.items(): if isinstance(value, Binary) and value.subtype == 128: son[key] = from_binary(value) elif isinstance(value, dict): son[key] = self.transform_outgoing(value, collection) return son db.add_son_manipulator(TransformToBinary()) print(db.test.insert({"custom": Custom(5)})) print(db.test.find_one())
原文地址:pymongo教程(3)——自定义数据类型, 感谢原作者分享。