Hadoop Now, Next and Beyond

2016-06-07 16:29:591231ブラウズ

Eric Baldeschwieler’s keynote from HadoopSummit has been published on YouTube. It’s mainly about the goals and effort behind Hadoop 2.0 and the new tools in the Hadoop’s ecosystem meant to simplify different aspects of a Hadoop deployme

Eric Baldeschwieler’s keynote from HadoopSummit has been published on YouTube. It’s mainly about the goals and effort behind Hadoop 2.0 and the new tools in the Hadoop’s ecosystem meant to simplify different aspects of a Hadoop deployment (HCatalog, Ambary, Tez, Stinger Initiative).

? Datanami has published a summary of the keynote here

Original title and link: Hadoop Now, Next and Beyond - Keynote by Eric Baldeschwieler (NoSQL database?myNoSQL)

Hadoop Now, Next and Beyond
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