ホームページ >データベース >mysql チュートリアル >NorthWind数据库
NorthWind 数据库 Categories:产品类别;Customers:客户;Employees:雇员Employees Territories:员工涉及领域Order Details:订单明细Orders:订单Products:产品Region:地区Shippers:运货商Suppliers:供应商TerritZ喎?http://www.2cto.com/kf/ware/vc/"
select productid,productname,unitprice from Products where UnitPrice>49查询结果:
select productid,productname,UnitsInStock,UnitsOnOrder from Products where UnitsInStock<UnitsOnOrder查询结果:
select * from Products where ProductName='Aniseed Syrup' or ProductName='Ipoh Coffee'
select * from Products where ProductName in('Aniseed Syrup','Ipoh Coffee')查询结果:
select * from Products where SupplierID=CategoryID查询结果:
select SupplierID,CompanyName,Phone,Fax from Suppliers where Phone is not null and fax is null
select * from Suppliers order by City desc
select SupplierID,CompanyName,Country from Suppliers where Country in('USA','UK','Germany')
select SupplierID,CompanyName,ContactTitle,Phone from Suppliers where ContactTitle='Marketing Manager' and Phone is not null
select distinct ShipVia from Orders
select distinct ShipCity from Orders
select OrderID,ShippedDate,RequiredDate from Orders where ShippedDate>RequiredDate
select OrderID,CustomerID,Freight from Orders where Freight<55
select * from Categories where CategoryName like '_e%'
select * from Categories where Description like '%sweet%'