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sIFR_CSS/HTML をいつどのように使用するか

2016-05-16 12:11:002072ブラウズ
作者:阿宏 2005-5-28 16:05:36

在分析sIFR之前,先来快速的了解一下sIFR是什么,以及它是如何工作的。sIFR表示scalable Inman Flash Replacement,是一种在web上准确发布自定义排版的技术。这种技术的实现方法是,当页面下载时,在一个指定的元素中用Flash渲染的文字来代替一些文本。理解下面这点是很重要的,这个元素并不是被Flash完全替换,文本仍在元素内,这个元素仍可以像通常那样被样式化或者被定位。

  • sIFR不需要更改(X)HTML代码,所有的工作由Javascript、Flash和CSS来完成;
  • 如果用户没有安装Flash或者不支持Javascript,那么(X)HTML的文本就会被CSS样式化后显示出来。
  • sIFR是可缩放的,可以在渲染时更改为用户设置的缺省字体尺寸。
  • sIFR兼容所有的屏幕阅读机,至今还没有问题被报道出来。
  • sIFR的文本可以被鼠标选择,尽管当全选文本时,选中的状态看上去不那么确切。
  • sIFR不影响搜索引擎的定位和评定,不会隐藏真实的文本内容。






  • 图片不能缩放为用户缺省的字体尺寸。
  • 尽管图片被缓存在服务器上,但是在产生图片时仍然存在一个性能问题。
  • 每一张图片都必须分别被下载,导致服务器和带宽的消耗。

而采用sIFR,那么就只有一个Flash(.swf)文件和一个Javascript (.js)文件被下载,并可以使站点上所有的标题都被渲染为公司的字体。

这个例子不是空穴来风。这是一个真实的案例,在2001年,为了重新设计ESPN.comMike Davidson开发出了最初的Flash替换技术。从那以后,随着Shaun Inman和其他人的加入,这已经发展成为今天我们所拥有的完整而流畅的技术了,而且很有可能在2005年对web排版技术产生重大的冲击。



  • 不支持浏览器的右键点击功能(上下文菜单)
  • 不支持apple的option键
  • 没有状态条信息




Most of the benefits of sIFR focus on the ability to customize fonts. An important consideration is that Flash text can be anti-aliased. Web developers often forget this, in part because so much work is done with Mac OS X, whose Quartz fonts can produce smooth edges. However, Windows users (despite having an option to smooth font edges somewhere in the Display menu) do not appear to be able to have anti-aliasing enabled. These users, like those who come pre-installed with Windows XP or Mac OS X, have display anti-aliasing. Capacity of the title is an important consideration.

Fine adjustment

One issue I hear mentioned several times is that sIFR does not allow you to control text in the same way that you can control an image. Indeed. With images created in Photoshop or Fireworks, you can have precise control over kerning, stretching, anti-aliasing, or other features such as very accurate drop shadows. The image editor is a true WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) medium. sIFR rendered to Flash is not.

If this level of control is required, then an image is still the best way to publish this type of text, sIFR is not the right tool in these cases. However, if you are purely publishing a custom font, sIFR is more suitable than creating an image.

Download speed

When using sIFR, the speed of shading of replacement text is an important consideration. Although the speed has been a big improvement since earlier versions, if there are many instances of sIFR on the screen at the same time, Then there is still a noticeable delay. (For example, each page has a title, or each transfer has a title.) This example may best illustrate why moderate use of sIFR is the ideal way to use this technology today.

This is the most frustrating disadvantage of using Flash replacement technology. Ever since the first sIFR was implemented, the temptation has been to replace too many elements on a page. In order to achieve them, download speeds must be greatly improved; although a good server can help you, what really consumes time is running those bulky Javascripts.


sIFR does not compete with image replacement technology; it is a unique tool for different tasks. It is best used for text that is displayed in the browser's default font size and cannot be replaced with a custom image.

The ideal use case for sIFR is when you want to display custom fonts or anti-aliased titles with just one image. This is used very frequently on the web, and sIFR is a better choice in these cases. It scales to the user's default font size, can be selected, and can be used on thousands of pages without downloading just one or two files.

  • Use sIFR on page titles.
  • Use sIFR to a limited extent to get the best download time.
  • Don’t use sIFR on links.
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