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一直不知道有ORM这种东西,直到和 @海坡 交流后才接触。 在项目中,需要将数据存储到数据库中,首先想到的是生成各种raw SQL的解决方法。但随着项目的进展,发现它很不灵活。譬如可能因为有新的需求,在数据库student表中添加dept_no字段,那在各种raw SQ中
一直不知道有ORM这种东西,直到和 @海坡 交流后才接触。
在项目中,需要将数据存储到数据库中,首先想到的是生成各种raw SQL的解决方法。但随着项目的进展,发现它很不灵活。譬如可能因为有新的需求,在数据库student表中添加dept_no字段,那在各种raw SQ中就需要进行修改了,工程浩大。如果操作(插入\修改\删除)数据库表中的数据,和操作数据对象一样,可以简化很多的操作,便于数据层的变更,而不必修改逻辑层代码。
//项目随手摘录的一个构造插入指定对象数据的INSERT语句的方法。 int gtd_genInsertSql(struct task_t &toinsert,char *sql, int nUserID) { int curr = 0; //task_id | user_id | strtext curr += sprintf(sql,"insert into task values(%d,%d,'%s',", toinsert.id,nUserID/*user_id*/,toinsert.strtext); //ctime char buffer[32]; ::memset(buffer,0,sizeof(buffer)); strftime(buffer,32,"'2012-%m-%d %H-%M-%S',",&(toinsert.ctime)); strncpy(sql+curr,buffer,strlen(buffer)); curr += strlen(buffer); ...... *(sql + curr) = ')'; curr++; return curr; }
因为项目实际需要,挑选了一个轻便的框架:Simple MySQL ORM for C。google了下,只发现有Simple MySQL ORM for C作者的一篇英文博文介绍而已:http://ales.jikos.cz/smorm/。「打米量家底」,因为那篇文章不太长,所以把它翻译过来了。记得年前 @独酌逸醉 有提到过,他有翻译StackOverFlow上的精华帖。现在看来,譬如对C++熟悉,完全可以去看看外国的程序员社区。一方面你本身是程序员,专业对口,认得大多数单词;另一方面,国外高手也多,不为是提高技术的好机会;最后,它确实提高英语的好方法,赞一个。
c版本Simple MySQL ORM是用python的脚本完成的,它可以用来连接已经创建的MySQL数据库,读取数据库表所对应的数据结构,当然,也可以通过此数据结构和方法创建表。这些可以让开发者使用c语言很方便的更新/修改/删除数据库中的数据。
考虑到这只是一个技术文章,而不是一个使用手册。笔者最后取消了此文章提到的项目,所以它有待考验。不支持MySQL里头的一些数据类型。这个项目的起因之一是笔者不喜欢MySQL提供的c api,所以代之以“更时髦”的万事俱备的api~但,笔者发现它有些地方还不够好,因为笔者还没完成。
CREATE DATABASE ex1; CREATE TABLE ex_customer ( id int NOT NULL auto_increment, name char(32), PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE ex_item ( customer_id int, itemname char(32) );
dbname = "ex1" name = "db" tables = { }
在接下来,让它执行吧 :P
python rdb.py
typedef struct db_ex_customer { int id; char * name; } db_ex_customer; typedef struct db_ex_item { int customer_id; char * itemname; } db_ex_item;
#include <db.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> int main (int argc, char **argv) { int ret; MYSQL global_mysql; MYSQL *m; db_ex_customer *cust1; db_ex_item *item1, *item2; mysql_init (& global_mysql); /* * connect to MySQL as usual */ m = mysql_real_connect (& global_mysql, "localhost", "root", "", "ex1", 3036, NULL, 0); /* * pass the MySQL connection to function, that initializes the "ORM" */ ret = db_init (& global_mysql); /* * the *__new method creates empty structure */ cust1 = db_ex_customer__new (); /* * setting the structure attribute with allocated string, * it will be freed during call of *__free method */ cust1->name = strdup ("alesak"); /* * this method inserts the structure into according table. * If it has serial field, its value is reflected into structure */ ret = db_ex_customer__insert (cust1); item1 = db_ex_item__new (); /* * let's use the serial value from newly inserted customer */ item1->customer_id = cust1->id; item1->itemname = strdup ("simple orm"); ret = db_ex_item__insert (item1); item2 = db_ex_item__new (); item2->customer_id = cust1->id; item2->itemname = strdup ("advanced orm"); ret = db_ex_item__insert (item2); db_ex_customer__free (cust1); db_ex_item__free (item1); db_ex_item__free (item2); return (0); }</time.h></string.h></stdio.h></db.h>
cc -I `mysql_config --cflags` ex1.c db.c `mysql_config --libs` -o ex1
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 #include <db.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> int main (int argc, char **argv) { int ret; MYSQL global_mysql; MYSQL *m; db_ex_customer *cust1; db_ex_item *item1, *item2; mysql_init (& global_mysql); m = mysql_real_connect (& global_mysql, "localhost", "root", "", "ex1", 3036, NULL, 0); ret = db_init (& global_mysql); cust1 = db_ex_customer__get_by_id (3); if (cust1) { fprintf (stdout, "I have customer named \'%s\'\n", cust1->name); db_ex_customer__free (cust1); } return (0); }</time.h></string.h></stdio.h></db.h>
cc -I. `mysql_config --cflags` ex2.c db.c `mysql_config --libs` -o ex2 ./ex2
dbname = "ex1" name = "db" tables = { "ex_item" :[("get", "get_customer_items", [("INTEGER", "customer_id")], "SELECT ex_item.* FROM ex_item WHERE customer_id = ?")] }
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 #include <db.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> int main (int argc, char **argv) { int ret; MYSQL global_mysql; MYSQL *m; db_ex_customer *cust1; db_ex_item *item1, *item2; mysql_init (& global_mysql); m = mysql_real_connect (& global_mysql, "localhost", "root", "", "ex1", 3036, NULL, 0); ret = db_init (& global_mysql); cust1 = db_ex_customer__get_by_id (3); if (cust1) { fprintf (stdout, "I have customer named \'%s\'..\n", cust1->name); db_ex_item__get_customer_items_open (cust1->id); while ((item1 = db_ex_item__get_customer_items_fetch ()) != NULL) { fprintf (stdout, ".. and found his item named \'%s\'\n", item1->itemname); db_ex_item__free (item1); } db_ex_item__get_customer_items_close (); db_ex_customer__free (cust1); } return (0); }</time.h></string.h></stdio.h></db.h>
I have customer named 'alesak'.. .. and found his item named 'simple orm' .. and found his item named 'advanced orm'
以上,朋友们!这里是http://ales.jikos.cz/smorm/rdb.py 脚本。更确切的说,别下载这个破烂东西。但如果你喜欢这个点子,请告诉笔者:alesak#gmail.com。全文完。
感谢作者 @alesak。Simple MySQL ORM for C我没有亲手测试,找时间补上测试篇。另,笔者水平有限,欢迎扶正拍砖。以上。
捣乱 2013-3-22