
2016-06-07 15:14:371970ブラウズ

num2str(real number,int characters,int decimals,int separator1,int separator2) Converts the decimal number specified by number to a text string. The minimum number of characters required in the text is specified by characters, and the requ

num2str(real number,int characters,int decimals,int separator1,int separator2)

Converts the decimal number specified by number to a text string. The minimum number of characters required in the text is specified by characters, and the required number of decimals is specified by decimals. The decimal separator required in the text is specified by separator1, and the thousands separator required in the text is specified by separator2.

The possible values for separator1 are:

  • '1': a '.' (point)
  • '2': a ',' (comma)

The possible values for separator2 are:

  • '0': no thousands separator
  • '1': a '.' (point)
  • '2': a ',' (comma)
  • '3': a ' ' (space)

MorphX replaces any invalid parameter with a standard value.


Num2Str(12345.6,10,2,2,1) returns "12.345,60".

Num2Str(12345.6,1,0,1,0) returns "12346".  

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