iOS action (action) and output port (Outlet)
In iOS, actions and outputs refer to ibActions and ibOutlets, which is where the ib interface generator is located. These are all related to UI elements. We will understand them intuitively and then discuss how to implement them.Steps
1. Let’s use the first iPhone application.
2. Select the ViewController.xib file from the files in the navigation section
3. Select the UI element from the window grid displayed below the window on the right

4. Drag UI elements into the visual frame of the interface builder
5. Add labels and red round buttons to the visual frame
6. Find the editor selection button in the upper right corner of the workspace toolbar, as shown below
Select the editor button
7. There are two windows in the center of the editor area, ViewController.xib file and ViewController.h
8. Right-click the selection button on the label, press and drag Move the new reference, as shown below
#9. Now place it in the curly brackets between ViewController.h. It can also be placed in a file, if so it must have been added before doing this. As shown below
#10. The label name of the input and output port (Outlet), here is myTitleLable. Click the link to complete ibOutlet
11. Similarly, to add operations, just right-click the rounded rectangle, select Touch the Heart and drag the braces below it
12. Rename it to setTitleLable
13. Select the ViewController.m file, there is a method as shown below
-(IBAction) setTitleLabel:(id)sender{}
14. In the above method, add a statement as shown below
[myTitleLabel setTitleText:@"Hello"];
15. Select the run button to run the program and get the following output
16. Click the button
17. The created reference (outlets) button label has been changed to the button execution Operations
18. As can be seen from the above, IBOutlet will create a reference to UIElement (here UILable), and the same IBAction and UIButton are linked to UIButton by performing operations.
19. You can perform different operations by selecting different events when creating an action.