General convention
##General Conventions TagsClass and ID
- Self-closing tags, no need to close (for example:
- img
Optional closing tag (closing tag), needs to be closed (for example: - </li>
Reduce the number of tags as much as possible;
<img src="//" alt="Google"> <input type="text" name="title"> <ul> <li>Style</li> <li>Guide</li> </ul> <!-- Not recommended --> <span class="avatar"> <img src="..."> </span> <!-- Recommended --> <img class="avatar" src="...">
- class should be named after function or content, not expression; class and id should be named in lowercase letters and consist of multiple words When using, use dashes
- -
to separate them;
Use unique ids as Javascript hooks, and avoid creating classes without style information;
<!-- Not recommended --> <div class="j-hook left contentWrapper"></div> <!-- Recommended --> <div id="j-hook" class="sidebar content-wrapper"></div>
Attribute Order
HTML attributes should appear in a specific order to ensure readability.
- ##name
- data-xxx
- src, for, type, href
- title, alt
- aria-xxx, role
<a id="..." class="..." data-modal="toggle" href="###"></a> <input class="form-control" type="text"> <img src="..." alt="...">Quotation marks attribute definition, use double quotation marks uniformly.
<!-- Not recommended --> <span id='j-hook' class=text>Google</span> <!-- Recommended --> <span id="j-hook" class="text">Google</span>Nesting
a Nested divs are not allowedThis constraint is a semantic nesting constraint, and the constraints that are different from it are strict nesting constraints, such as
a is not allowed to nest a.
Semantic Nested Constraints
- <li>
is used for
- <dd>
<dt>is used for
- <thead>
<td>is used under
strict nesting constraints
- inline-Level elements can only contain text or other inline-Level elements;
- <a>
interactive elements cannot be nested
<a> Block levels cannot be nested in,
<select>, etc.;
- <p>
<ul>/<ol> ;/<li>,
<form>, etc.
selected do not need to set values.
<input type="text" disabled> <input type="checkbox" value="1" checked> <select> <option value="1" selected>1</option> </select>