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Game Introduction

"Extinction Zoo" is a strategy simulation game full of creativity and challenges. In this game, you play as a zoo manager tasked with protecting and reproducing endangered animal populations. Through sound management and strategies, you need to try your best to ensure the survival of these animals and attract more tourists to visit your zoo.

Game features:

  1. Rare animals: The game includes a variety of endangered animals, such as South China tigers, polar bears, black rhinos, etc. Players will have the opportunity to witness their magnificent.
  2. Animal Protection: Players need to provide suitable habitat, food and medical care to ensure the health and reproduction of animals.
  3. Research and Education: By investing in research projects and conducting educational activities, players can increase their zoo's visibility and reputation.
  4. Visitor satisfaction: Visitor satisfaction will directly affect the zoo's revenue and development, so you need to provide high-quality services and entertainment facilities.
  5. Global cooperation: Cooperate with other players to protect and reproduce endangered animal populations, and jointly promote the development of global animal protection.

How to play:

  1. Build animal habitats: According to the needs of different animals, build suitable habitats, including woods, pools, caves, etc.
  2. Care for animals: Provide appropriate food and water, and perform regular health checks and treatments to ensure the health and happiness of your animals.
  3. Research and training: Invest in research projects to increase the zoo’s visibility and reputation, while providing training courses to increase the professional skills of staff.
  4. Enrich recreational facilities: Build recreational facilities and sightseeing lanes to provide tourists with a better viewing experience and increase tourist satisfaction.
  5. Protection and Cooperation: Cooperate with other players to protect endangered animal populations and participate in global animal protection causes.

Player comments:

  1. “This game is really meaningful. While protecting animals, it also allows players to have a deeper understanding of the importance of animal protection. "
  2. "The detailed design of the animals is very exquisite, and each animal has unique characteristics and behaviors, which is really interesting."
  3. "The challenges in the game are very diverse and require more than just care. Animals, you also need to consider the needs of tourists and business strategies. "
  4. "It feels good to cooperate with other players to protect animals. This is a game that makes people feel united and working together."
  5. "I like this kind of game that can learn knowledge. Through research projects and educational activities, I have a deeper understanding of animal protection."

Game skills:

  1. Conduct regular health checks on animals and treat diseases promptly to ensure the health and happiness of animals.
  2. According to the needs of different animals, reasonably adjust the habitat and provide appropriate temperature, humidity and food.
  3. Invest in research projects to increase the zoo’s visibility and reputation and attract more visitors.
  4. Build sightseeing lanes and recreational facilities to provide a better viewing experience and increase visitor satisfaction.
  5. Cooperate with other players to protect endangered animal populations, share experience and resources, and jointly promote the development of global animal protection.
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