‎Train Kit
size:36.5 MB
LANGUAGE:Russian, German, Italian, Japanese, French, Simplified Chinese, English, Portuguese, Spanish
Only Supports IOS
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‎Train Kit
‎Train Kit
‎Train Kit
‎Train Kit
‎Train Kit
‎Train Kit
‎Train Kit
Game Introduction

"Train Kit" is a creative construction simulation game that allows you to become a model train engineer. In this game you will have your own train studio and be able to design, build and manage your model train world.

Game features:

  1. Free creation: With a variety of construction tools and materials, you can design and build various train models according to your own ideas to create a unique train model world.
  2. Fine simulation: The train models in the game are highly realistic and detailed, including train bodies, carriages, tracks, etc., making you feel like you are in a real train model world.
  3. Diverse tasks: Complete various tasks, such as repairing damaged train models, transporting goods, organizing train exhibitions, etc., and experience various jobs as a train model engineer.
  4. Social interaction: Communicate with other players, share your train model works, participate in community activities, and build your own train model empire.
  5. Continuous updates: The development team will continue to introduce new train models, tasks and features to keep the game fresh and challenging.


  1. Design and Build: Use a variety of tools and materials to design your train model, choose suitable tracks and accessories, and build the perfect train Model.
  2. Maintenance and repair: According to mission requirements, repair damaged train models and keep the train models in good condition.
  3. Transportation and Delivery: Accept cargo transportation tasks, deliver the goods to the designated location on time, and earn gold coins and rewards.
  4. Exhibitions and Competitions: Participate in train exhibitions and competitions to show off your train model works and compete with other players.
  5. Community interaction: Join the game community, communicate with other players, share your construction experience and works, and participate in community-organized activities.

Player comments:

  1. "This game is amazing! I can let my creativity run wild and design and build the train model of my dreams."
  2. "The details and realism of the train model are amazing! Every detail makes me feel the charm of the train model."
  3. "The process of completing the task is interesting and sometimes requires some skills and strategies , but it’s very fulfilling.”
  4. ”Community interaction allows me to meet many like-minded friends, and we share construction experience and encourage each other.”
  5. ”The continuous updates of the development team. The game has always been fresh, with new train models and tasks in every update, which makes me want to stop playing.”

Game Tips:

  1. When designing the train model, Consider the layout of the track and the use of space to ensure the model train can run smoothly.
  2. Regularly maintain and maintain the train model, repair damaged parts, and keep the train model running smoothly.
  3. When completing the task, pay attention to traffic rules and time constraints to ensure that the goods can be delivered to the destination on time.
  4. Before participating in train exhibitions and competitions, plan and prepare in advance to show your best work and strive for higher evaluation and rewards.
  5. Actively participate in community activities, communicate and learn from other players, and obtain more construction skills and inspiration.
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