‎Good Night Circus
size:481 MB
LANGUAGE:Russian, Turkish, German, Italian, Japanese, French, Thai, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, English, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Korean
Only Supports IOS
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‎Good Night Circus
‎Good Night Circus
‎Good Night Circus
‎Good Night Circus
‎Good Night Circus
‎Good Night Circus
‎Good Night Circus
Game Introduction

"Goodnight Circus" is a game full of fantasy and fantasy, allowing players to enter a circus world full of puzzles and challenges. In this intoxicating game, you play as a young circus member who gradually uncovers the mystery behind the circus through puzzle solving and performance skills.

Game features:

  1. Unique art style: "Goodnight Circus" is created with a unique hand-painted art style, presenting a colorful and magical circus world.
  2. Various puzzle challenges: There are various puzzles in the game waiting for you to solve, including physics puzzles, logic puzzles and observation puzzles, etc., so that your brain can be fully stimulated. exercise.
  3. Rich performance skills: As a circus member, you will learn a variety of performance skills, such as juggling, trapeze, fire dancing, etc., to show your talents and skills.
  4. Touching storyline: "Goodnight Circus" combines elements of romance, suspense and adventure, leading players to experience a touching and surprising story.
  5. Diversified gaming experience: There are not only main missions in the game, but also rich copies and hidden missions waiting for you to explore, allowing you to enjoy a complete and diverse gaming experience.


  1. Puzzle-solving adventure: Solve various puzzles and promote the development of the story by observing scenes, collecting clues and using items.
  2. Performance skills training: Learn and master various performance skills, such as ball throwing, rope skipping, balancing, etc., and show your talents in circus performances.
  3. Customize your circus: Create a unique circus by unlocking props and decorations, making it a showcase of your personal style.
  4. Explore hidden tasks: In the game, you will encounter many hidden tasks, and by completing these tasks, you can unlock more puzzles and storylines.
  5. Interact with other players: Communicate and cooperate with other players to solve problems together and explore more game content.

Player comments:

  1. “The graphics of this game are intoxicatingly beautiful, and every scene is full of details and magic, making me feel like I’m in a A dream world. "
  2. "The puzzle design is very interesting, and some of the puzzles are very challenging, but the sense of accomplishment after solving them is very satisfying."
  3. "The story is fascinating and every character. They all have their own stories, and through solving puzzles and performing, I gradually uncovered their secrets."
  4. "The performance training in the circus is very interesting. I like to constantly learn new skills and then perform them. Show it. "
  5. "The music and sound effects of the game are very good, making the whole game atmosphere more magical and immersive."

Game skills:

  1. Pay attention to observation: clues and hints in the game are usually hidden in the details of the scene. Be good at observation and don't miss any possible clues.
  2. Thinking from multiple angles: Some puzzles require thinking and solving from different angles, don't be limited to one way of thinking.
  3. Use items: Collect and make reasonable use of items around you, they may become the key to solving puzzles.
  4. Try different techniques: During performance, try different techniques and combinations, sometimes there will be unexpected effects.
  5. Communicate with other players: If you encounter difficulties, don't hesitate to ask other players for help or exchange experiences, they may give you some useful advice.
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