‎A Chinese Journey to the West
size:4 GB
LANGUAGE:Simplified Chinese, English
Only Supports IOS
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‎A Chinese Journey to the West
‎A Chinese Journey to the West
‎A Chinese Journey to the West
‎A Chinese Journey to the West
‎A Chinese Journey to the West
‎A Chinese Journey to the West
Game Introduction

The mobile game "Westward Journey" is a popular national-level IP mobile game that brings players a new gaming experience with its classic turn-based gameplay and grand world view. The annual expansion pack "Under the Abyss" launched this time brings players a high random fair value gameplay and nearly a hundred exclusive props, making the game more interesting and challenging.

【Game Features】

  1. Reappearance of national IP friendship: As a classic turn-based mobile game, the mobile game "Westward Journey" continues the classic elements of the original work, allowing players to play in the game Feel the charm of Journey to the West again.
  2. It’s not tiring to get started with the colorful gameplay: There are a variety of gameplays to choose from in the game, including Killing Star, Xunfang, Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Shimen, Gang, etc., allowing players to choose according to their own preferences and time schedule. , easy to get started.
  3. Strength, appearance, national style and charm: The character image design in the game is very exquisite, and the recognition of different characters' vertical drawings is also a highlight of this type of reskinned krypton gold value cards.
  4. Real-person social networking: The social system in the game is very complete. Players can form teams to challenge dungeons, or chat with like-minded friends in gangs.
  5. Exciting PK Jianghu pride: The game has a very rich PK gameplay, including palace duels, passionate gang battles, etc., allowing players to unleash their fighting passion in the game.


  1. Dungeon Challenge: Players can form a team to enter the dungeon to challenge, and obtain rewards by defeating monsters and completing tasks.
  2. Social interaction: Players can make friends in the game, team up for dungeon challenges or chat together.
  3. Gang Battle: Players can join different gangs and participate in competitions between gangs to win honor for their gang.
  4. PK competition: Players can participate in PK activities such as palace duels and passionate gang battles to compete with other players.
  5. Personalized dressing up: Players can change their image and show their personality and charm by purchasing or redeeming fashion items.

【Player Comments】

  1. "The mobile game "Westward Journey" is one of the best turn-based games I have ever played, with beautiful graphics and rich gameplay."
  2. "The social system in the game is very complete, allowing me to make many like-minded friends."
  3. "I like the fashion design in the game very much. Each set of fashion has a unique style and Charming. "
  4. "The PK gameplay in the game is very exciting, which makes me feel the passion and pleasure of fighting."
  5. "The game updates very quickly, and every update will bring new content. The gameplay and props keep me interested and enthusiastic about the game.”

【Game Skills】

  1. Players can make reasonable use of game props, the characteristics of their own skills and the weaknesses of the enemy to formulate the best combat strategy.
  2. When participating in a dungeon challenge, pay attention to the combination of teammates' occupations and skills to achieve greater effects.
  3. Joining a highly active gang can provide you with more support and help, as well as rich materials to support research skills and improve your strength.
  4. In PK competition, you are good at using terrain and obstacles to avoid enemy attacks, thereby improving your survivability and winning the championship. .
  5. Learn to save time and spend it more valuablely, such as going online every day to receive sign-in rewards and complete daily tasks with one-click sweeps and other functions to improve upgrade efficiency and combat effectiveness. .
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