‎National Jianghu
Classify:Role Play
size:354 MB
Only Supports IOS
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‎National Jianghu
‎National Jianghu
‎National Jianghu
‎National Jianghu
‎National Jianghu
Game Introduction

Game Introduction

After a long wait and unremitting efforts, "All the People's Jianghu", as a new genuine mobile game masterpiece in the "Hot-blooded Jianghu" series, finally meets everyone. In this familiar arena, you will experience a unique passion. This is not just an upgraded version of the game, but more like a continuation of the dream of righteousness when I was young.

On the basis of retaining the core gameplay and feelings of the Hot-Blooded Jianghu series, "All the People's Jianghu" incorporates the convenience and innovative elements of today's mobile game era. Whether you are an experienced player or a newbie, you can find your own position and role here.

Game Features

  1. ## Sentiment and innovation coexist: "All the People's Jianghu" perfectly restores the classic scenes and characters of the bloody Jianghu. Innovative gameplay and content have been added.
  2. Ten thousand people share the same server, recreating the world of Jianghu: Ten thousand people can share the same server in the game. Players can make friends freely, form teams to take adventures, and recreate the real world of Jianghu.
  3. Five professions for you to choose: The five classic professions of swordsman, swordsman, gunman, doctor, and archer are all on the scene. Players can choose professions according to their own preferences to play the game.
  4. Free trading, magical weapons: There is a free trading system in the game. Players can freely trade all kinds of rare objects and weapons and equipment through stalls; at the same time, they can also compete against each other through games. Crafting has a chance to obtain magical weapons.
  5. Battle between good and evil, cross-server competition: The game has the classic battle between good and evil forces and cross-server competition. Players can compete with players from different servers to show strength.


  1. Free exploration: Players can freely explore the world in the game and unlock new maps and tasks .
  2. Skill Combination: Combining the corresponding skills according to the chosen profession can bring out more powerful power.
  3. Team copy: Team up with friends to challenge the copy to get higher experience points, drops, etc.
  4. Real-time competition: You can compete with other players in real-time PK in a specific arena.
  5. Social interaction: The game has a rich social system, players can make friends and explore the world together.
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