‎Hundred Scenes of Jiangnan
size:785.3 MB
LANGUAGE:Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English
Only Supports IOS
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‎Hundred Scenes of Jiangnan
‎Hundred Scenes of Jiangnan
‎Hundred Scenes of Jiangnan
‎Hundred Scenes of Jiangnan
‎Hundred Scenes of Jiangnan
Game Introduction

"Hundred Scenes of Jiangnan" is an ancient style business simulation game that takes you back to the Ming Dynasty and experiences the unique charm of the Jiangnan water town. In this vibrant world, you will play the role of an urban designer, planning layouts, constructing buildings, and recreating the prosperous scene of Jiangnan. At the same time, you will have an in-depth understanding of the lives of the residents, lead them to explore adventures, and jointly create a paradise.

Game features:

  1. Ming Dynasty background: The Jiangnan style reproduced in the game is all based on the real background of the Ming Dynasty.
  2. Qingyi Landscape: Inheriting the art style of Wu School landscape painting, it brings players immersive visual enjoyment.
  3. City construction: Starting from farmland, gradually build a prosperous city through management, making money, construction, etc.
  4. Immersive plot: The plot in the game deeply displays the life and customs of Jiangnan in the Ming Dynasty, enhancing the sense of immersion.
  5. Free exploration: Players are encouraged to explore the unknown world of Jiangnan, discover all kinds of strange things, and satisfy their curiosity.

How to play:

  1. City planning: Choose the right place to place buildings to improve the prosperity and environmental value of the city.
  2. Economic development: Earn money through trade, handicrafts, etc. to support the construction of the city.
  3. Population management: Take good care of the needs of urban residents, improve their happiness, and attract more people to move in.
  4. Adventure Adventure: Lead residents to explore unknown areas, find treasures and adventures, and increase the fun of the game.
  5. Plot advancement: Unlock new cities and story chapters by completing missions and plot challenges.

Player comments:

  1. "The picture is so beautiful, it really seems like you are in the Jiangnan water town of the Ming Dynasty."
  2. "The gameplay is rich and diverse. It's both strategic and story-driven. "
  3. "I like this ancient style very much. It feels very comfortable and peaceful."
  4. "The plot in the game is very attractive and keeps me thinking. Keep playing. ”
  5. ”I like the freedom in the game, you can build the city according to your own ideas”

Game skills:

  1. Plan appropriately. Resources: When building a city, it is necessary to plan the use of resources reasonably to avoid waste and loss.
  2. Prioritize economic development: Economic development is the basis of urban construction, and priority must be given to the development of industries such as trade and handicrafts.
  3. Improve resident satisfaction: Taking care of residents' needs can improve their satisfaction and happiness, thereby increasing the city's population and prosperity.
  4. Explore unknown areas: Encouraging residents to explore unknown areas can bring unexpected gains and adventures.
  5. Keep game progress: Regularly saving game progress can avoid unexpected situations that lead to game data loss.
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