‎Hong Enai Movement
size:300.6 MB
LANGUAGE:Simplified Chinese, English
Only Supports IOS
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‎Hong Enai Movement
‎Hong Enai Movement
‎Hong Enai Movement
‎Hong Enai Movement
‎Hong Enai Movement
Game Introduction

Hong Enai Sports

Game introduction:

Hong Enai Sports, AI sports anytime and anywhere. In today's fast-paced era, children's time for physical activities is decreasing day by day. In order to allow children to exercise more happily and scientifically, "Hong Enai Sports" came into being. It is an AI smart sports app specially designed for teenagers and children. It combines advanced AI technology to inject new vitality into family sports and brings an unprecedented new way of physical exercise to children.

Game features:

  1. AI Intelligent Recognition: Through AI technology, the child's movement posture can be recognized and corrected in real time to ensure the movement effect.
  2. Rich sports programs: Covers a variety of sports, such as yoga, dance, martial arts, etc., to meet the diverse sports needs of children.
  3. Personalized customization: Develop a personalized exercise plan for the child based on his or her age, physique, and other information.
  4. Highly interactive: Supports parent-child interaction, friend PK and other modes to make sports more interesting.
  5. Data Recording: Record the child's movement data throughout the process, so that parents can keep track of their children's movement status at any time.

How to play:

  1. Select a sport: Select your favorite sport in the App and start exercising.
  2. Follow the guidance of the AI ​​coach: Complete each action according to the demonstration and voice guidance of the AI ​​coach on the screen.
  3. Real-time feedback and correction: Through AI real-time feedback, movements can be adjusted in a timely manner to ensure movement effects.
  4. Complete tasks and challenges: Complete daily tasks or challenge more difficult sports to win rewards.
  5. Sharing and interaction: Share sports results to social platforms, interact with friends, and share the fun of sports.

Player comments:

  1. "Since my child started using Hong En Ai Exercise, he actively asks to exercise every day, which is great!"
  2. "This is This app is really useful. It can monitor the child's movements at any time and correct incorrect postures. "
  3. "My children and I both like the interactive mode of this app, which not only enhances the parent-child relationship but also cultivates it. Children's love for sports activities. "
  4. " Hong Enai Sports has made my children have a strong interest in sports. Its personalized customization function is very considerate. "Through this. App, I can easily do fun physical activities with my children, it’s so convenient!”
  5. Game Tips:
  1. Maintain correct posture: Pay attention to follow the guidance of the AI ​​coach and maintain correct exercise posture to obtain the best results.
  2. Moderate exercise: Choose appropriate sports and duration according to your child’s physique and age to avoid excessive fatigue.
  3. Persist in exercising: Encourage children to persist in exercising with Hong Enai Sports every day to develop good exercise habits.
  4. Diverse choices: Try different sports so that children can experience the fun of a variety of sports and develop their physical fitness in an all-round way.
  5. Interactive communication: Encourage children to interact and share experiences with other players on Hong Enai Sports’ social platform to enhance the motivation and fun of exercise.
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