‎Lost Island
size:631.9 MB
LANGUAGE:German, Japanese, French, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, Spanish
Only Supports IOS
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‎Lost Island
‎Lost Island
‎Lost Island
‎Lost Island
‎Lost Island
‎Lost Island
Game Introduction

"Lost Island" is an exciting survival adventure game. Players will play the role of a survivor trapped on a mysterious desert island. You will face various dangers and challenges, need to find resources, build shelter, and cooperate or compete with other survivors in order to survive.

Game Features:

  1. Mysterious Deserted Island: Explore an abandoned island full of mysteries and unknown dangers. Every corner may hide treasure, secrets or deadly traps.
  2. Diverse survival: Players need to collect resources, build shelters, hunt for food, make tools and weapons, and deal with harsh environments and hostile creatures.
  3. Multiplayer Cooperation and Competition: Team up with other survivors to build a community and fight the threats on the island together. Or choose to compete with other players for resources and territory.
  4. Challenging Missions: Complete various missions and challenges to unlock new areas, equipment and skills. Discover the secrets of the island and reveal the story behind it.
  5. High degree of freedom of gameplay: The game provides a very high degree of freedom of gameplay. Players can choose their own survival strategies and goals and experience a unique gaming experience.


  1. Collection and construction: Explore the island and collect various resources, such as wood, stone, food, etc. Use resources to build shelter, tools, and weapons to improve your survivability.
  2. Hunting and Capturing: Find and hunt various wild animals for food and fur. You can also set traps to catch small animals and replenish food and materials.
  3. Exploration and Puzzle Solving: Explore every corner of the island to discover hidden treasures, secrets and mysteries. Solve puzzles and reveal the island's story.
  4. Community Building: Work with other survivors to build a community, solve problems together, share resources, and improve survival capabilities.
  5. PvP battle: Compete with other players for resources and territory. Engage in combat and strategy to become the ruler of the island.

Player comments:

  1. "This game is so exciting! Every time you explore, there is a sense of unknown and tension, not knowing what will happen next moment."
  2. "Cooperation and competition between players make the game more interesting. Building a community with others or competing for resources is a challenge."
  3. "The missions and puzzles in the game are very It's fun, and I feel a sense of accomplishment every time I complete it. Moreover, discovering the secrets of the island also makes me curious about the story. "
  4. "The degree of freedom is very high, and it feels really good to choose your own way of survival and goals. It's like being on a real desert island. "
  5. "The PvP battles in the game are very intense and require flexible strategies and skills."

Game Tips:

  1. Prepare sufficient resources and equipment before going out every time to deal with various dangers and challenges on the island.
  2. Build a strong community, collaborate with other survivors, and share resources and skills.
  3. Develop a sound survival strategy that balances food, water and rest needs to maintain health and strength.
  4. Learn to make tools and weapons to improve your survivability and self-defense capabilities.
  5. Remember important places and resource locations on the island to quickly find what you need.
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