‎Very heroic rescue romance
size:1.2 GB
LANGUAGE:Russian, German, Italian, Japanese, French, Simplified Chinese, English, Portuguese, Spanish, Korean
Only Supports IOS
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‎Very heroic rescue romance
‎Very heroic rescue romance
‎Very heroic rescue romance
‎Very heroic rescue romance
‎Very heroic rescue romance
‎Very heroic rescue romance
‎Very heroic rescue romance
‎Very heroic rescue romance
Game Introduction

"Very Heroic Rescue Adventure" is an exciting action role-playing game. Players will play a hero and travel through time and space to save the world. In this mysterious and challenging adventure, you will fight against various evil forces and form alliances with many heroes to save the universe together.

Game features:

  1. Diverse hero selection: Choose your favorite hero from various time, space and universe, each hero has unique skills and characteristics, for you There are endless possibilities for your adventure.
  2. Gesture operation: Use simple and smooth gesture operation to show your skills and reaction ability, release powerful skills, and defeat the enemy.
  3. Extreme visual effects: The game uses high-quality graphics and special effects to bring players into a gorgeous and colorful world, allowing you to immerse yourself in the wonderful story of the game.
  4. Diverse combat modes: In addition to the main missions, the game also provides a variety of combat modes, including arena, team cooperation, etc., allowing you to challenge powerful enemies with other players.
  5. Social interaction: Communicate and interact with players around the world, make like-minded friends, form alliances, and jointly cope with various challenges.


  1. Exploration adventure: Travel through different time and space in the universe, unlock new maps and levels, and complete various tasks and challenges.
  2. Combat skills: Through continuous fighting and upgrading, improve your hero skills and equipment, and unlock more powerful skills and equipment.
  3. Recruit heroes: Form an alliance with heroes from all time and space to form a powerful team to fight against evil forces together.
  4. Arena Challenge: Participate in arena battles, compete with other players for rankings, and win generous rewards and honors.
  5. Social interaction: Chat and interact with other players in real time, form alliances, solve puzzles together, and complete tasks together.

Player comments:

  1. “This game is so exciting! Recruit different heroes from various time and space, form the most powerful team, and fight together. It’s really exciting. I'm so excited! "
  2. "The graphics and special effects of the game are so gorgeous. I'm shocked every time I release the skills. It's very enjoyable!"
  3. "The game provides a variety of battles. mode, not only can you take a solo adventure, but you can also cooperate with other players. It's so fun! "
  4. "The social system for communicating and interacting with other players is great, allowing me to make many like-minded friends. Form an alliance and defeat powerful enemies. "
  5. "Continuously upgrade your hero's skills and equipment to improve your strength, and you will feel more and more powerful. "
## Game skills:

  1. In-depth understanding of each hero's skills and characteristics, and reasonable coordination of the team to maximize combat effects.
  2. Only by flexibly using gesture operations in battle and mastering the timing and range of skills can you better defeat the enemy.
  3. Upgrade your hero skills and equipment regularly to keep your strength growing and face more powerful enemy challenges.
  4. Participate in arena challenges, learn about other players’ combat strategies and techniques, learn from their experiences, and continuously improve your combat capabilities.
  5. Actively interact with other players, participate in alliance activities, solve problems together, and obtain more resources and rewards.
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