‎Type Spin
size:136.1 MB
LANGUAGE:German, Japanese, French, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, Spanish, Korean
Only Supports IOS
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‎Type Spin
‎Type Spin
‎Type Spin
‎Type Spin
‎Type Spin
‎Type Spin
Game Introduction

"Type Spin" is an innovative word game that allows players to challenge their reaction speed and accuracy through spinning and typing. In this fast-paced game, you need to quickly type the words that appear on the screen to earn points and rewards. Are you ready to challenge your typing skills?

Game Features:

  1. Innovative gameplay: Change the direction and position of words by rotating the screen, allowing your typing skills to be fully exercised.
  2. Diversified game modes: In addition to the basic typing mode, there are also various modes such as limited time mode and combo mode for players to choose from, bringing a different gaming experience.
  3. Diverse level design: There are various levels in the game, each level has different challenges and difficulties, allowing you to continuously progress and challenge yourself in the game.
  4. Social competition: Compete in real-time with global players, compete in typing speed and accuracy, and show your strength on the leaderboard.
  5. Customizable game settings: According to your own preferences, you can customize the game interface, sound effects, difficulty and other settings to make the game more personalized.


  1. Typing mode: Words appear on the screen, quickly type the correct letter combination to get points. Note that words will appear in different directions and positions, so you need to be flexible.
  2. Limited time mode: Type as many correct words as possible within the specified time to challenge your speed and accuracy.
  3. Combo Mode: Enter correct words continuously to keep the combo going and get extra rewards. Typos or timeouts will break combos.
  4. Level Mode: Unlock more advanced levels and challenges by completing different level tasks.
  5. Multiplayer Battle: Compete with other players in real time, compete on typing speed and accuracy, and show your strength on the leaderboard.

Player comments:

  1. "This game is really exciting and fun! Rotating the screen brings new challenges to typing, which makes me feel full of accomplishment."
  2. "I like the diverse modes in the game. Each mode has different challenges, which keeps me fresh."
  3. "It's exciting to play against other players! Every match It makes me devote myself to becoming the fastest typing expert. "
  4. "The level design of the game is very interesting, and each level has different tasks, which allows me to continuously improve my typing skills."
  5. "This game is really rewarding! Every time I type, I feel happy, and it also improves my typing speed and accuracy."

Game Tips :

  1. Stay calm and focused and don't get distracted by the rotating screen.
  2. Practice typing speed and accuracy and improve your reflexes.
  3. Pay attention to the direction and position of the word, and flexibly adjust the position of your fingers.
  4. Take advantage of combo mode opportunities, try to maintain combos and get extra rewards.
  5. Try different game modes and levels, challenge your limits, and enjoy the fun of the game.
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