‎Youdao Children's Dictionary
size:230 MB
LANGUAGE:Simplified Chinese, English
Only Supports IOS
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‎Youdao Children's Dictionary
‎Youdao Children's Dictionary
‎Youdao Children's Dictionary
‎Youdao Children's Dictionary
‎Youdao Children's Dictionary
‎Youdao Children's Dictionary
‎Youdao Children's Dictionary
‎Youdao Children's Dictionary
Game Introduction

"Youdao Children's Dictionary" is an online dictionary application specially designed for young learners. It helps children better learn and understand English words through a simple and clear interface and rich functions. The following are the game's features, gameplay, player reviews and game tips:

Game features:

  1. Rich vocabulary library: "Youdao Children's Dictionary" has a huge vocabulary library, covering Vocabulary required by learners of all ages.
  2. Vivid images and examples: Each word is equipped with vivid images and practical examples to help children better understand the meaning and usage of the word.
  3. Pronunciation function: Children can click on words to hear the pronunciation, improving their listening and pronunciation skills.
  4. Interactive learning: through exercises and games, stimulate children's interest in learning and consolidate the vocabulary knowledge they have learned.
  5. Personalized learning: "Youdao Children's Dictionary" provides personalized learning content and suggestions based on children's learning progress and abilities.

How to play:

  1. Word lookup: Children can quickly find the definition, example sentences and pronunciation of a word by entering the word or spelling it.
  2. Exercise questions: "Youdao Children's Dictionary" provides various types of exercises, such as multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, etc., to help children consolidate the word knowledge they have learned.
  3. Game challenge: Through games, such as spelling games, Lianliankan, etc., children can learn in entertainment and improve their vocabulary skills.
  4. Learning record: "Youdao Children's Dictionary" will record children's learning progress and achievements to help them understand their learning situation.
  5. Personalized learning recommendation: Recommend learning content and learning plans suitable for children based on their learning situation and interests.

Player comments:

  1. “This dictionary is really easy to use! I can quickly find the definition and pronunciation of words, and the example sentences help me understand better The usage of words. "
  2. "The exercises and games are very interesting. I can learn the words while playing. I really enjoy this way of learning!"
  3. "I like "Youdao" The personalized learning recommendation function of "Children's Dictionary" helps me find learning content that suits me and improves my learning effect. "
  4. "The interface of this dictionary is simple and clear, and it is easy to use. I can use it at any time. It’s very convenient to look up the definition of a word anywhere!”
  5. ”The pronunciation function is very helpful to me. I can hear the correct pronunciation and improve my speaking skills.”

Game skills:

  1. Study regularly every day: Establish a habit of studying regularly every day and maintain continuous learning motivation.
  2. Multi-angle learning: In addition to looking up the definition of a word, you must also read the example sentences carefully to understand how the word is used in the actual context.
  3. Make a study plan: Make a reasonable study plan based on your own learning progress and goals, and learn words of different difficulty in stages.
  4. Multiple exercises: Use exercises and game functions to repeat exercises many times to consolidate the word knowledge you have learned.
  5. Pay attention to repetition: Regularly review previously learned words to help consolidate memory and improve memory persistence.
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