‎Dark Zone Breakout
size:3.6 GB
LANGUAGE:Simplified Chinese, English
Only Supports IOS
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‎Dark Zone Breakout
‎Dark Zone Breakout
‎Dark Zone Breakout
‎Dark Zone Breakout
‎Dark Zone Breakout
‎Dark Zone Breakout
Game Introduction

Game name: "‎Dark Zone Breakout"

Game introduction: "Dark Zone Breakout" is a shooting mobile game developed by Tencent Rubik's Cube Studio. The game is based on the dark zone battlefield. Players need to use various tactics and strategies in this battlefield full of unknowns and dangers to successfully evacuate from the dark zone with supplies. The game features a high degree of freedom and heart-pounding challenges. Every choice of the player will directly affect the outcome of the game.

Game features:

  1. Diverse tactics: The game provides a wealth of tactical options. Players can choose to ambush, confront head-on, or use other strategies to evacuate the battlefield according to the situation. Use different tactics. ideas to achieve your goals.
  2. Free equipment: Players can choose appropriate equipment according to their own strategies. Different equipment choices will bring different game experiences.
  3. Firearm modification: Thousands of various types of equipment of different qualities are provided. The slowdown that is applicable and balanced and has been participated in the peripheral period can have strong combat power and defense power at the same time, and you can also experience the fun of collecting.
  4. Struggle for supplies: Players can collect various supplies on the battlefield, or obtain loot from other players through battles. The materials successfully brought out of the dark zone will become your wealth.
  5. Life and death battle: In the dark zone, life and death are not the final outcome. Successfully bringing out your supplies and achieving wealth accumulation will be your core pleasure in entering the game. Whether you return with a full load or lose everything depends on your every action.

How to play:

  1. Select equipment: Before the game starts, players can choose their own equipment, including weapons, armor, medicines, etc.
  2. Collect supplies: On the battlefield, players need to continuously collect supplies, including ammunition, medicine, food, etc.
  3. Combat and Evacuation: Players need to fight enemies on the battlefield and evacuate the dark zone as soon as possible. During the evacuation process, you need to be alert to enemy attacks and robbing by other players.
  4. Modified firearms: Players can modify and upgrade their firearms through collected accessories and materials to improve their combat effectiveness.
  5. Cooperation and competition: Players can team up with other players to complete tasks together; they can also compete with other players in the arena to compete for rankings and rewards.
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