‎Dream Farm
size:197.5 MB
LANGUAGE:Simplified Chinese
Only Supports IOS
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‎Dream Farm
‎Dream Farm
‎Dream Farm
‎Dream Farm
‎Dream Farm
Game Introduction

"Dream Farm" is a warm and creative farm simulation game that provides players with a virtual rural world full of tranquility and harmony. Here, players can personally build their ideal farm, enjoy the fun of farming, and experience the joy of harvest.

Game Features

  1. High degree of freedom: There are a wide variety of buildings and decorations in the game. Players can arrange the farm according to their own aesthetics and creativity, and create Unique style.
  2. Business fun: Players can put the agricultural products produced by their own farms on supermarket shelves for sale. By observing market dynamics, they can formulate appropriate price strategies and earn more gold coins.
  3. Rich crops: The game provides a variety of crops for players to choose from. Each crop has a different growth cycle and profit. Players need to plan the planting structure reasonably according to market demand.
  4. Interesting Town Residents: The town residents in the game will send various interesting orders to players. Completing these orders will not only obtain gold coin rewards, but also unlock new storylines. .
  5. Animal Breeding: Players can raise various cute animals on the farm to produce high-quality animal products. Unlocking rare animals can also increase the attractiveness of the farm.
  6. Mutual Aid and Cooperation: The game encourages interaction between players. They can help each other complete orders, share experiences and skills, enhance friendship, and speed up the development of the farm.

"Dream Farm" has attracted a large number of players with its relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere and rich and diverse gameplay. Here, you can feel the gifts of nature and the sweetness of labor, and share this rare pastoral time with your friends. If you also want to pursue your pastoral dream, you might as well join us now!

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