‎Shanhe Travel Exploration
size:2.1 GB
LANGUAGE:Simplified Chinese
Only Supports IOS
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‎Shanhe Travel Exploration
‎Shanhe Travel Exploration
‎Shanhe Travel Exploration
‎Shanhe Travel Exploration
‎Shanhe Travel Exploration
‎Shanhe Travel Exploration
‎Shanhe Travel Exploration
Game Introduction

"Shanhe Travel Detective" game introduction

"Shanhe Travel Detective" is a fascinating story-oriented reasoning and investigation game based on Chinese style. This game cleverly combines traditional Chinese cultural elements with classic reasoning and investigation gameplay, presenting players with a game world full of mystery and surprise.

In the game, players will play the role of a talented young detective, traveling through mountains and rivers to explore various complicated and confusing cases. Each case is carefully designed and full of suspense and challenges. Players need to use wisdom and observation to collect clues and deduce the truth.

The game has a unique graphic style, which adopts the beautiful Chinese style of painting, vividly showing the details of ancient China’s landscapes, architectural styles, characters’ clothing and other details. At the same time, the game is also equipped with original ancient music, allowing players to feel the rich traditional Chinese cultural atmosphere during the process of reasoning and investigation.

In addition to the rich game plot and exquisite graphics and music, the game also has a variety of interesting gameplay options. Players can understand the background and relevant information of the case by talking to NPCs in the game; they can also conduct on-site surveys and collect key clues; and finally, by integrating clues, they can deduce the truth of the case and bring the criminals to justice.

It is worth mentioning that "Shanhe Travel Detective" adopts a chapter-style game design. The first chapter is free to try, allowing players to fully experience the charm of the game. If players are interested in the game, they can choose to pay to unlock the remaining chapters and continue to explore this game world full of mystery and surprise.

In general, "Shanhe Travel Detective" is a Chinese-style game that integrates plot, reasoning, and investigation. It shows the charm of traditional Chinese culture from a unique perspective, and at the same time provides players with a reasoning and investigation journey full of challenges and fun. Whether you are a gamer who likes reasoning and investigation, or a fan who is interested in traditional Chinese culture, you may wish to try this game. I believe it will bring you an unforgettable gaming experience.

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