size:1.4 GB
LANGUAGE:Russian, Bokmål, Norwegian, Indonesian, Turkish, Hebrew, German, Italian, Japanese, French, Polish, Thai, Finnish, English, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese Chinese, Arabic, Korean, Malay
Only Supports IOS
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Game Introduction

"Wild Brawl" is an exciting multiplayer online competitive shooting game. Players will experience the exciting fun of survival competition in the game. The following introduces you to the game's features, gameplay, player reviews and game tips.

Game features:

  1. Wonderful and diverse game modes, including survival mode, team competition, sniper duel, etc., to meet the different game needs of players.
  2. A wide variety of weapons and equipment, including pistols, rifles, shotguns, etc. Players can choose the appropriate weapon according to the situation.
  3. Cool character skins and clothing combinations allow players to customize their own character image.
  4. The maps are diverse, including urban ruins, dense jungles, beaches, deserts, etc., allowing players to challenge different battlefield environments.
  5. Smooth operating experience and simple and easy-to-use game operations allow players to focus on the fun of combat.


  1. Survival Mode: Play on a vast map
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