‎Defend the Carrot
size:161.6 MB
LANGUAGE:Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English
Only Supports IOS
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‎Defend the Carrot
‎Defend the Carrot
‎Defend the Carrot
‎Defend the Carrot
‎Defend the Carrot
Game Introduction

"Defend Carrot" is a highly strategic and creative tower defense game. In this fantasy world, you need to be the guardian of the radish garden and protect the lovely radishes from intruders. The game provides a variety of towers and skills, allowing players to freely choose different strategies to deal with different challenges. Now, join the ranks of defending radish and protect the safety of radish!

Game Features:

  1. Exquisite graphics and cute character designs immerse you in a fairy tale world.
  2. Diverse towers and skills, each tower has unique characteristics and abilities, allowing you to use your strategy to your heart's content.
  3. Rich levels and challenge modes, each level has different maps and enemies, bringing endless fun.
  4. Powerful BOSS battle will test your wisdom and strategy. Only by defeating the BOSS can you win.
  5. Multiplayer cooperation mode, team up with friends to fight and defend the carrot together.


  1. In each level, place towers to stop enemy attacks and keep them from getting close to the carrots.
  2. Each tower has different attack methods. Some can attack in a range, and some can attack individually. Make reasonable use of their characteristics.
  3. In the game, there will be some special enemies, such as flying units, armor units, etc., which require you to select towers for defense.
  4. As the game progresses, you can accumulate gold coins to upgrade the level of towers and improve their attack power and range.
  5. After the level ends, you can get rewards, including gold coins, props and new towers, which will better help you win in subsequent levels.

Player comments:

  1. "The graphics are exquisite, the characters are cute, it is very fun to play, and every level is a new challenge!"
  2. "I like the strategic nature of this game. Each tower has different skills, which need to be arranged and selected reasonably."
  3. "The BOSS battle is really exciting. You need to carefully observe its attack method to find the right one." Strategies to defeat it. "
  4. "The multiplayer cooperation mode gives the game more fun. It is really a pleasure to defend the carrot with friends. "
  5. "In the game! Upgrading the level of the tower is the key. By accumulating gold coins, you can reasonably increase the attack power and range to achieve better results."

Game Tips:

  1. Before the level starts. , carefully observe the map and find the right location to place the tower to maximize the attack on the enemy.
  2. Different towers have different attack methods. Combine and coordinate them reasonably to increase the overall attack capability.
  3. Pay attention to the characteristics of the enemy. Some enemies may quickly pass through your defense line, so you need to be prepared in advance.
  4. Actively upgrade the levels of towers to increase their attack power and defense to better deal with increasingly powerful enemies.
  5. Use props rationally. For example, freezing props can slow down enemies, and fireball props can cause additional damage to enemies. Prepare a good response strategy.
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