‎Young Knight
Classify:Role Play
size:208.2 MB
LANGUAGE:Simplified Chinese, English
Only Supports IOS
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‎Young Knight
‎Young Knight
‎Young Knight
‎Young Knight
‎Young Knight
Game Introduction

《Young Knight》

Hey, you! Yes, it's you! Are you tired of those same, boring games? So, come and try this idle martial arts game - "Young Knight"! Guaranteed to make your eyes light up and the corners of your mouth curl up!

As soon as you step into the ink-and-wash Chinese-style world of "Young Knights", you seem to be sucked into an exquisite picture scroll. The mountains, rivers, plants and trees here all reveal a strong Chinese charm. The characters in the game, whether they are heroic young knights or cunning veterans, are all lifelike, as if they are performing wonderful stories in front of your eyes.

But this is not only a good-looking game, it is also a fun game! "Young Knights" adopts the idle gameplay, allowing you to experience the martial arts world easily and happily. You don't need to stare at the screen all the time, you just need to set up your knights, and they will automatically fight for you and take risks for you. And you just need to sit back and enjoy the results, collect various rare equipment and treasures, and continuously improve your strength.

Of course, as a martial arts game, how can it be without the grievances and hatreds in the world? In "Young Knights", you can make various friends in the world, team up with them for adventures, and challenge powerful enemies together. You can also compete with other players to see who is the real martial arts master.

In addition, "Young Knight" also has a wealth of plot tasks waiting for you to challenge. You will follow the protagonist through various turmoils in the world, solve confusing mysteries, and finally uncover a huge conspiracy. In the process, you can not only experience exciting battles, but also feel deep emotional resonance.

So, if you are tired of those games with no personality, and if you have a martial arts dream in your heart, then "Young Knights" is definitely a choice you can't miss! Come and join us, and write your own legend together in this ink-and-wash Chinese-style world of rivers and lakes!

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