‎Tank Simulator
Classify:Physical Education
size:445.6 MB
LANGUAGE:Russian, Simplified Chinese, English
Only Supports IOS
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‎Tank Simulator
‎Tank Simulator
‎Tank Simulator
‎Tank Simulator
‎Tank Simulator
Game Introduction

Tank Simulator is a brand new war strategy game that puts you into the role of a heroic tank commander. In this game, you will drive various types of tanks, engage in fierce battles with other players, and experience real and exciting war scenes.

Game Features:

  1. Real Tank Simulation - The tanks in the game perfectly restore the real appearance and performance, allowing players to deeply experience the duties and responsibilities of the tank commander.
  2. Various battlefields - The game provides various battlefield environments, including urban battles, desert battlefields, ice and snow zones, etc. Each environment has different terrain and combat challenges, allowing players to maintain diverse strategies.
  3. Free team formation - Players can freely form a team and form a powerful team with their friends to jointly resist the enemy's attack and strive for the final victory.
  4. Multiple game modes - The game provides a variety of game modes, including team battles, individual competitions, survival modes, etc., ensuring that players have different game options and enjoy the fun of tank battles.
  5. Challenging tasks - There are various challenging tasks and achievements in the game. Completing these tasks can obtain rewards and upgrades, which can enhance your status and strength in the game.


  1. Control the tank - use virtual buttons to control the movement and rotation of the tank, use the sight to target the enemy, and use the main gun and secondary weapons to attack the enemy.
  2. Team Cooperation - In team battles, work closely with teammates to formulate strategies, support each other, and jointly attack the enemy's weaknesses.
  3. Strategic Selection - Choose the best strategy based on different battlefield environments and enemy locations, including defense, offense, encirclement, interception and other strategies.
  4. Skill Upgrade - Earn experience points in the game, upgrade your tank and unlock more skills and equipment to improve your combat effectiveness.
  5. Tactical Assault - Use terrain and bunkers to conduct tactical assaults, take advantage of the moment to defeat the enemy and win.

Player comments:

  1. "Tank Simulator is one of the best tank games I have ever played. It has beautiful graphics, smooth operation, and truly restores the gameplay of tank wars. A tense atmosphere. "
  2. "The battlefield environment in the game is diverse, and each battle brings new challenges and strategies, which makes me enjoy it."
  3. "Form a team and make friends. Playing the game together is a great experience. We cooperate with each other and defeat our opponents. It feels very powerful. "
  4. "The mission system is very interesting. You can get rewards and upgrades by completing various challenging missions, making the game more exciting. Motivated. "
  5. "The tank operation and tactical choices in the game are very important. I learned a lot of knowledge and skills about tank warfare."
##Game skills:

  1. Use terrain and bunkers to avoid exposure to enemy fire and protect your tanks.
  2. Pay attention to the enemy's movements and positions, find the enemy's weaknesses, and choose the right time to attack.
  3. In team battles, work closely with teammates, follow instructions, jointly formulate strategies, and coordinate operations.
  4. If there are too many enemies, you can choose to retreat and reorganize the battle. Don't be greedy for more.
  5. Upgrade your tank and choose skills and equipment that suit your play style to increase your combat effectiveness.
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