‎Civilization and Conquest
size:703.8 MB
LANGUAGE:Simplified Chinese
Only Supports IOS
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‎Civilization and Conquest
‎Civilization and Conquest
‎Civilization and Conquest
‎Civilization and Conquest
‎Civilization and Conquest
Game Introduction

"Civilization and Conquest" is a strategy game that combines civilization construction and war conquest. Players will play the role of an empire ruler. While building a prosperous civilization, they also need to face external threats, conquer surrounding territories, and achieve The splendor of empire.

Game features:

  1. Civilization Construction: In the game, you can build cities, develop technology, cultivate talents, and create a prosperous civilization empire.
  2. War and Conquest: In addition to civilization construction, players also need to form an army, conquer neighboring territories, and expand their sphere of influence.
  3. Diversified Civilization: There are multiple different civilization options in the game. Each civilization has unique characteristics and abilities to meet the preferences of different players.
  4. Historical events: Historical events will appear in the game. Players need to make choices based on different events to affect the development direction of the empire.
  5. Multiplayer Battle: Support multiplayer online battle mode, start a fierce war with other players and compete for the final victory.

How to play:

  1. Building a city: Choose a suitable location to build a city, develop agriculture, commerce, technology and other industries, and upgrade the city level.
  2. Recruit heroes: Recruit heroic characters, improve their skills and levels, and lead the army to conquer all directions.
  3. Diplomatic Negotiation: Conduct diplomatic interactions with other civilizations, sign alliances, initiate trade, unite against powerful enemies, etc.
  4. War Conquest: Form an army, capture enemy cities, seize resources, and expand your sphere of influence.
  5. Technology Research: Research technology to improve the productivity and military strength of the empire and maintain competitive advantage.

Player comments:

  1. ""Civilization and Conquest" made me feel the thrill of being an empire ruler. Building civilization and conquering enemies is really exciting!"
  2. "The design of historical events in the game is very interesting. Each event choice gives me a headache, but it also increases the strategic nature of the game."
  3. "The diverse civilization choices make the game become More colorful, each civilization has its own unique features, which makes people forget to come back. "
  4. "The multiplayer battle mode is very exciting. Start a fierce war with other players and experience the thrill of conquering the world."
  5. "The scientific and technological research system in the game is very reasonably designed. The development of science and technology directly affects the strength of the empire and requires reasonable planning."

Game skills:

  1. Rational planning and development: Striking a balance between civilization construction and war conquest cannot be partial.
  2. Recruit outstanding heroes: Heroes play an important role in the war, and improving their abilities is crucial to the battle situation.
  3. Flexible use of diplomacy: Being good at diplomacy can gain allies, reduce enemies, and improve the winning rate of wars.
  4. Prioritize the development of science and technology: Technology is the basis of war. Research new technologies in a timely manner to enhance the strength of the empire.
  5. Stay vigilant: Always pay attention to the movements of surrounding enemies, make military preparations, and take nip in the bud.
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