‎Air Combat Strikers: Team Assemblage
size:760.2 MB
LANGUAGE:Russian, German, Italian, Japanese, French, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, Portuguese, Spanish, Korean
Only Supports IOS
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‎Air Combat Strikers: Team Assemblage
‎Air Combat Strikers: Team Assemblage
‎Air Combat Strikers: Team Assemblage
‎Air Combat Strikers: Team Assemblage
‎Air Combat Strikers: Team Assemblage
‎Air Combat Strikers: Team Assemblage
‎Air Combat Strikers: Team Assemblage
Game Introduction

"Air Combat Strikers: Team Assemblage" is an exciting air combat shooting game. In this world full of challenges and excitement, you will play the role of an aerial king and form a team with other players to engage in unparalleled aerial duels.

Game features:

  1. Diverse aircraft: There are a variety of aircraft in the game for players to choose from, including fighters, bombers, helicopters, etc. Each aircraft has its own unique characteristics skills and characteristics.
  2. Real-time multiplayer battle: Battle with players from all over the world in real time, feel the thrill of real air combat, cooperate with teammates, and defeat the enemy.
  3. Exquisite graphics and sound effects: The game uses high-quality graphics and sound effects to immerse players in realistic combat scenes and enhance the gaming experience.
  4. Customized equipment: Players can freely choose and upgrade the weapons and equipment of their fighter jets according to their own preferences and tactical needs to create a unique fighting style.
  5. Global rankings and competitions: Compete with top players by participating in global competitions to compete for honors and rewards and become the true king of the air.


  1. Control the aircraft: Use the virtual joystick and buttons to control the aircraft to perform various actions, including flying, shooting, avoiding enemy attacks, etc.
  2. Form a team: Form a team with other players to formulate strategies and cooperate in operations to achieve a higher winning rate.
  3. Complete the mission: There are various missions waiting for players to complete in the game, including fighting against enemy fighters, destroying enemy facilities, etc. You can get rewards by completing the mission.
  4. Free upgrade: Through the rewards and tasks in the game, players can upgrade and unlock more aircraft and equipment to improve their strength.
  5. Tactical strategy: According to different situations and enemy characteristics, formulate appropriate tactics and strategies to improve the effectiveness of the battle.

Player comments:

  1. “The graphics and sound effects of this game are really shocking. Every battle makes me feel like I am immersed in the scene and feel the real The tension and excitement of air combat. "
  2. "The feeling of teaming up with other players is really great. We can jointly develop tactics, cooperate with each other, and defeat the enemy together. The fun of this kind of teamwork is indescribable. "
  3. "There are many types of aircraft in the game, each with different characteristics and skills, allowing me to choose the aircraft that suits me according to different tactical needs."
  4. "In the game. Global rankings and competitions give me greater motivation to improve my strength, compete with the world's top players, and compete for honors and rewards."
  5. "The most important skill in playing this game is to play this game. Only by mastering the operation of the aircraft and the timing of using skills, and making reasonable use of terrain and obstacles, can you remain invincible in fierce air battles.”
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