‎Strange Combatant
size:2.4 GB
LANGUAGE:Simplified Chinese
Only Supports IOS
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‎Strange Combatant
‎Strange Combatant
‎Strange Combatant
‎Strange Combatant
‎Strange Combatant
‎Strange Combatant
Game Introduction

"Strange Combatant" is a combat strategy game full of creativity and fun. In the game, you will play the role of a strange combatant and engage in fierce battles with other players. Through clever strategies and unique skills, you will show your strength and wisdom on the battlefield.

Game features:

1. Unique character setting: There are a variety of strange combatants to choose from in the game. Each character has its own unique skills and characteristics, making You experience different styles and strategies in combat.

2. Diverse battle maps: There are multiple well-designed battle maps in the game, each with different obstacles and traps, making the battle more challenging and varied.

3. Creative battle modes: There are a variety of battle modes to choose from in the game, such as team battles, individual competitions, survival modes, etc., allowing you to choose the appropriate challenge according to your preferences.

4. Rich equipment system: There are a variety of equipment in the game to collect and upgrade. Each equipment will give you different attributes and skills, making you more powerful and flexible in battle.

5. Social interaction: There is a chat system and a friend system in the game, allowing you to communicate and form teams with other players, make new friends in battle, and fight together on the battlefield.

How to play:

1. Choose a weird fighter: Before starting the game, you need to choose a favorite weird fighter as your character and understand their skills and characteristics.

2. Develop a combat strategy: According to the terrain of the battlefield and the enemy's situation, formulate an appropriate combat strategy, such as choosing the right time to release skills, using the terrain to avoid and attack, etc.

3. Upgrade equipment and skills: Gain experience and gold coins through combat, which can be used to upgrade equipment and skills to improve your combat capabilities and survivability.

4. Participate in various battle modes: There are a variety of battle modes to choose from in the game. You can choose individual competition to compete one-on-one with other players; or choose team battle to form a team with your friends. Fight as a team to win.

5. Interact with other players: There is a chat system and a friend system in the game. You can communicate with other players, form a team to participate in battles, and explore the fun of the game together.

Player comments:

1. Player A: This game is so fun! Each strange combatant has his own unique skills and characteristics, making every battle full of surprises and challenges.

2. Player B: The battle map is very exquisitely designed. Each map has different traps and obstacles, making the battle more exciting and interesting.

3. Player C: The equipment system is very rich. Each equipment has different attributes and skills, allowing us to create our own unique fighting style according to our own preferences.

4. Player D: The social interaction is very interesting. I teamed up with other players to fight on the battlefield together, and made many like-minded friends.

5. Player E: The battle modes of the game are very diverse, and each mode has different challenges and rewards, which allowed me to enjoy endless fun in the game.

Game skills:

1. Familiarize yourself with the skills and characteristics of strange combatants and choose a fighting style that suits you.

2. Observe the battle map, use the terrain to avoid and attack, and increase the flexibility of the battle.

3. Make reasonable use of equipment and skills, adjust them according to the combat situation, and improve your combat capabilities.

4. Cooperate with teammates to formulate appropriate combat strategies and strive for victory.

5. Stay calm and focused, observe the enemy's movements, react in time, and avoid being exploited by your opponents.

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