‎Battle in Shacheng
size:120.2 MB
LANGUAGE:Simplified Chinese
Only Supports IOS
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‎Battle in Shacheng
‎Battle in Shacheng
‎Battle in Shacheng
‎Battle in Shacheng
Game Introduction

‎"Challenge in Sand City" game introduction

"Challenge in Sand City" has made a strong landing on the mobile game market, bringing a brand new classic three-career super-changing legendary experience to meet the majority of players. Classics are not conservative, but a perfect tribute to the past and transcendence based on it. This game has carefully created a vast and passionate sand city world, waiting for warriors to come and explore it.

Game Features

  1. Reappearance of the three classic professions: Warrior, Mage, Taoist, the three classic professions are perfectly reproduced, each Each profession has its own unique growth path and skill system.
  2. experience of full attack speed when online: In order to allow players to fully experience the thrill of combat, the game sets a full attack speed upon online play, making every attack of yours feel like wind and lightning.
  3. Equipment all depends on hunting: Say goodbye to traditional games that require krypton gold to obtain good equipment. All equipment here can be obtained by killing monsters, completing tasks, etc.
  4. Little Monster Explosive Equipment: Every enemy in the game has the possibility of dropping high-level equipment. Even seemingly inconspicuous monsters may make you rich overnight. .
  5. Grand game world: There are a large number of mysterious locations closely integrated with the main plot. Completing the rich main plot and mission plot can quickly increase the game level and experience points, and unlock new game content and copy challenges.


  • Exploration and Adventure: The vast map is full of unknowns, and only the strongest warriors can Discover the deepest secrets.
  • Team up and PK: Team up with friends to challenge the powerful BOSS, or compete in the PK field to show your strength.
  • Trading and Synthesis: In the free trading market, you can buy and sell equipment and synthesize more powerful artifacts.

Player comments

"After playing legendary games for so many years, "Battle in Sand Castle" really brought me back to the feeling I had back then!" —— Passionate old player
"This setting is great because all equipment depends on playing. You can have fun without spending money!" —— Zero Charge Warrior

Game Skills

  1. Prioritize completing main missions and quickly upgrade to unlock more features.
  2. When forming a team to fight BOSS, pay attention to professional matching and tactical coordination.
  3. Use the trading market more and exchange things for things to increase your combat power faster.
  4. Don't ignore mobs, they may also drop high-level equipment.
  5. Actively participate in game activities, there are often unexpected surprises and generous rewards.
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