‎A happy thought
Classify:Role Play
size:1.7 GB
LANGUAGE:Simplified Chinese, English
Only Supports IOS
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‎A happy thought
‎A happy thought
‎A happy thought
‎A happy thought
‎A happy thought
Game Introduction

"Yi Nian Xiao Yao" is a popular national placement and immortality cultivation mobile game. With its rich content and gameplay, it has attracted more than 20 million players. It revolves around the theme of "cultivating immortality" and builds a magnificent and imaginative world of immortality cultivation, allowing people to immerse themselves in the journey of immortality and enjoy the sense of accomplishment of gradually emerging from an unknown person and finally becoming the world leader.

Game Features

  1. Diversified cultivation paths: Choose to practice physical training or practice, worship martial arts or ask questions. The game gives players freedom and tailor-made cultivation methods suitable for individuals. .
  2. Freehand ink-and-wash style: This hand adopts the "carcass rendering" method to present the light and shadow walls, which are close to concrete expressions of characters and scenes.
  3. Real idle gameplay: Players can become stronger even offline. You can enter the path of immortality anytime, anywhere, and gradually stand out. Ascension in the daytime is no longer a fantasy. Interact closely with friends anytime and anywhere!
  4. Rich social gameplay: The game has social gameplay such as sect battles, teaming up to slay demons, and alien invasions. Players can make friends from all over the world and cultivate immortality together.
  5. Gameplay

Cultivating and growing: Improve your strength through practice and unlock more powerful skills and equipment
  1. Flying with Sword: Explore the vast world of cultivating immortals. , looking for adventures and treasures
  2. Make friends with fairies: Interact with players from all over the world, make friends with like-minded fairies
  3. Challenge secret realms: Enter various secret realms to experience, challenge ancient monsters, and obtain. Rare resources.
  4. Establish a sect: Stand on your own mountain, establish a sect with your friends, and compete for dominance in the world of immortality.
  5. ""Yi Nian Xiao Yao" is the most in-depth mobile immortal cultivation game I have ever played, and the ink style is intoxicating. "

"The gameplay is rich and diverse, and you can become stronger even if you hang up. It is very suitable for me who is busy. "

    "I like the function of making friends with immortals, and I have found many like-minded friends. "
  1. "Challenging the secret realm gives people a sense of accomplishment, and they can obtain precious resources every time. "
  2. "Starting a sect made me feel the power of teamwork. It is very challenging to compete with friends to dominate the world. ”
  3. Game Skills
  4. Choose the training direction that suits you, and insist on practicing to improve your strength.

Use the sword flying function to explore the world of cultivating immortals and find Rare resources and adventures.

    Actively make friends with immortals and Taoists to form a team for experience and challenges.
  1. Master the skills of reasonable resource management to ensure your development is stable and sustainable. Continuously learn and master new skills and strategies to improve your strength to face the challenges of more powerful enemies.
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