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Comme mentionné, quelle est la différence entre les deux versions d'angularjs (1.3.x 1.4.x) ?
仅有的幸福2017-05-15 16:58:53
Principalement correction de quelques bugs et amélioration de ngAnimate.
Les principales mises à jour sont ici
1.4.7 dark-luminescence (2015-09-29)
Bug Fixes
use createMap() for $$observe listeners when initialized
from attr interpolation (5a98e806, #10446)
block assigning to fields of a constructor (a7f3761e, #12860)
do not convert to string computed properties multiple times
filters: ensure formatNumber observes i18n decimal separators
(4994acd2, #10342, #12850)
properly handle dash-delimited node names in
jqLiteBuildFragment (cdd1227a, #10617, #12759)
ensure anchoring uses body as a container when needed (9d3704ca,
callback detection should only use RAF when necessary (fa8c399f)
ngMessages: prevent race condition with ngAnimate (7295c60f,
#12856, #12903)
skip comments when looking for option elements (68d4dc5b, #12190)
prevent frozen select ui in IE (dbc69851, #11314, #11795)
add support for temporary styles via cleanupStyles
(e52d731b, #12930)
$http: add $xhrFactory service to enable creation of custom xhr objects (7a413df5, #2318, #9319, #12159)
总之 ngAnimate 的改动比较大。