Maison > Questions et réponses > le corps du texte
hi everyone,
today i meet a strange problem while the function openssl_get_publickey() runs well in php 7 while report an error in php5. 6.16 and php5.5.12
here is the test code:
//define a pem formatted string varaible named $key
$key = <<<EOF
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
//get the public key
$res = openssl_get_publickey($key);
while in php7.0.0 the result is normal and correct here is the output
D:\wamp64\www\php\index.php(50) : eval()'d code:24:resource(4, OpenSSL key)
but not the same result in php 5.6.16 and php 5.5.12 here is the output
D:\wamp64\www\php\index.php(50) : eval()'d code:24:boolean false
so can you help me with the problem???