Maison > Questions et réponses > le corps du texte
s = "I. INTRODUCTIONIN analogy with the radio-frequency or microwave antennas,an optical antenna facilitates energy transfer from guided-wave modes of an optical waveguide to optical free-space modesand vice versa. Recently, optical antennas have received signif-icant attention due to their ability to control the light emissionwithin a nano-scale footprint [1]–[15]. Optical antennas have thecapability to boost the efficiency of photodetection [8], [9], sens-ing [10], heat transfer [11], [12] and spectroscopy [13]. Also,very directive optical antennas with electronically controlled ra-diation pattern are the subject of great interest for applicationssuch as planar imaging [16] and LIDAR [17]"
("Recently, optical antennas have received signif-icant attention due to their ability to control the light emissionwithin a nano-scale footprint.", "[1]–[15]") ("Optical antennas have thecapability to boost the efficiency of photodetection", "[8], [9]") ("sens-ing", "[10]") ("heat transfer", "[11], [12]") ("and spectroscopy", "[13]") ("Also,very directive optical antennas with electronically controlled ra-diation pattern are the subject of great interest for applicationssuch as planar imaging", "[16]") ("and LIDAR", "[17]")
三叔2016-11-11 09:24:44
#!/usr/bin/python #-*- coding: UTF-8 -*- #author:zhaoyingnan import re; s = "I. INTRODUCTIONIN analogy with the radio-frequency or microwave antennas,an optical antenna facilitates energy transfer from guided-wave modes of an optical waveguide to optical free-space modesand vice versa. Recently, optical antennas have received signif-icant attention due to their ability to con trol the light emissionwithin a nano-scale footprint [1]–[15]. Optical antennas have thecapability to boost the efficiency of photodetection [8], [9], s ens-ing [10], heat transfer [11], [12] and spectroscopy [13]. Also,very directive optical antennas with electronically controlled ra-diation pattern are the subject of great interest for applicationssuch as planar imaging [16] and LIDAR [17]"; listMatch_1 = re.findall('(?:\.|\,|and)\s([\w\s,-]+)([\[\d\]]+(?:–[\[\d\]]+|,\s[\[\d\]]+)?)', s, re.I); for i in listMatch_1: print i;