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众所周知,Mysql分页就要用到Limit进行分页,数据量/分页数小的时候Limit性能是可想而知的。 如:
SELECT pid,author,hash,dateline FROM posts WHERE pid='123456' ORDER BY pid ASC LIMIT 100,100;
但是,如果当offset便宜了过大的情况就会出现性能瓶颈。 如:
SELECT pid,author,hash,dateline FROM posts WHERE pid='123456' ORDER BY pid ASC LIMIT 159000,100;
若要解决Limit offset过大的时候,可以采用子查询的方法进行分页。 如:
SELECT pid,author,hash,dateline FROM posts ORDER BY pid ASC LIMIT 159000,100;
SELECT pid,author,hash,dateline FROM posts WHERE pid>=(SELECT pid FROM posts LIMIT 159000,1)ORDER BY pid ASC LIMIT 100;
此时的性能是纯粹LIMIT 159000,100 的几倍至高。
SELECT tid,pid,author,hash,dateline FROM posts WHERE tid=10 AND pid>=(SELECT pid FROM posts LIMIT 159000,1)ORDER BY pid ASC LIMIT 100;
所以求高性能解决LIMIT分页的方法。 在线等。
============================ PS: pid 为主键
怪我咯2017-04-10 14:35:00
你的pid是啥,不是主键吗?最后一条 pid=10 AND pid>=(SELECT pid FROM posts LIMIT 159000,1) 有能同时成立吗
外面有的条件,子查询里面照样写就行了,和子查询的条件相同,order by相同,比如: select * from user where sex=2 and issingle=0 and id<=(select id from user where sex=2 and issingle=0 order by id desc limit 1000000,1) order by id desc limit 10";
天蓬老师2017-04-10 14:35:00
ALTER TABLE `posts ` ADD INDEX `tid_pid` USING BTREE (`tid`,`pid`) comment '';