Maison > Questions et réponses > le corps du texte
ang += angle;
sinVal = Math.sin(ang);
scale = ((sinVal + 1) * sizeRange) + options.minScale;
x = ((Math.cos(ang) * options.radiusX) * scale) + options.width / 2;
y = ((sinVal * options.radiusY) * scale) + options.height / 2;
这些代码是如何实现那种旋转木马的旋转效果的呢?完全看不懂其公式来源啊。望高手指点。 还有就是为了实现某种视觉效果的那些变换公式是怎么得出来的?
<!DOCTYPE html->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<style type="text/css">
img { border:none;}
<!-- <script src=""></script> -->
<script src="jquery-1.8.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Start of jQuery carousel plugin.
(function($) {
// Function to execute a callback when an image has been loaded,
// either from the network, or from the browser cache.
var loadImage = function ($image, src, callback) {
// Bind the load event BEFORE setting the src.
$image.bind("load", function (evt) {
// If no valid width, image hasn't actually loaded.
if ($image.width() === 0) {
// Image has loaded, so unbind event and call callback.
}).each(function () {
// For Gecko based browsers, check the complete property,
// and trigger the event manually if image loaded.
if ($image[0].complete) {
// For Webkit browsers, the following line ensures load event fires if
// image src is the same as last image src. This is done by setting
// the src to an empty string initially.
if ($.browser.webkit) {
$image.attr('src', '');
$image.attr('src', src );
// Create a single carousel item.
var createItem = function ($image, angle, options) {
var loaded = false, // Flag to indicate image has loaded.
orgWidth, // Original, unscaled width of image.
orgHeight, // Original, unscaled height of image.
$originp, // Image is attached to this p.
// A range used in the scale calculation to ensure
// the front-most item has a scale of 1,
// and the furthest most item has a scale as defined
// in options.minScale.
sizeRange = (1 - options.minScale) * 0.5,
// An object to store the public update function.
// Make image invisible and
// set its positioning to absolute.
opacity: 0,
position: 'absolute'
// Create a p element ($originp). The image
// will be attached to it.
$originp = $image.wrap('<p style="position:absolute;">').parent();
that = {
update: function (ang) {
var sinVal, scale, x, y;
// Rotate the item.
ang += angle;
// Calculate scale.
sinVal = Math.sin(ang);
scale = ((sinVal + 1) * sizeRange) + options.minScale;
// Calculate position and zIndex of origin p.
// x = ((Math.cos(ang) * options.radiusX) * scale);
// y = ((sinVal * options.radiusY) * scale);
x = ((Math.cos(ang) * options.radiusX) * scale) + options.width / 2;
y = ((sinVal * options.radiusY) * scale) + options.height / 2;
left: (x >> 0) + 'px',
top: (y >> 0) + 'px',
zIndex: (scale * 100) >> 0
// If image has loaded, update its dimensions according to
// the calculated scale.
// Position it relative to the origin p, so the
// origin p is in the center.
if (loaded) {
width: (orgWidth * scale) + 'px',
height: (orgHeight * scale) + 'px',
top: ((-orgHeight * scale) / 2) + 'px',
left: ((-orgWidth * scale) / 2) + 'px'
// Load the image and set the callback function.
loadImage($image, $image.attr('src'), function ($image) {
loaded = true;
// Save the image width and height for the scaling calculations.
orgWidth = $image.width();
orgHeight = $image.height();
// Make the item fade-in.
opacity: 1
}, 1000);
return that;
// Create a carousel.
var createCarousel = function ($wrap, options) {
var items = [],
rot = 0,
pause = false,
unpauseTimeout = 0,
// Now calculate the amount to rotate per frameRate tick.
rotAmount = (Math.PI * 2) * (options.frameRate/options.rotRate),
$images = $('img'),
// 下面这么写就改变了上下文,从document --> .carousel
// $images = $('img', $wrap),
// Calculate the angular spacing between items.
spacing = (Math.PI / $images.length) * 2,
// This is the angle of the 1st item at
// the front of the carousel.
angle = Math.PI / 2,
console.log('Images: ', $images);
// Create a function which is called when the mouse moves over
// or out of an item.
$wrap.bind('mouseover mouseout', function (evt) {
// Has the event been triggered on an image? Return if not.
if (!$('img')) {
// If mouseover, then pause the carousel.
if (evt.type === 'mouseover') {
// Stop the unpause timeout if it's running.
// Indicate carousel is paused.
pause = true;
} else {
// If mouseout, restart carousel, but after a small
// delay to avoid jerking movements as the mouse moves
// between items.
unpauseTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
pause = false;
}, 200);
// This loop runs through the list of images and creates
// a carousel item for each one.
for (i = 0; i < $images.length; i++) {
var image = $images[i];
var item = createItem($(image), angle, options);
angle += spacing;
// The setInterval will rotated move all items in the carousel
// every 30Ms, unless the carousel is paused.
setInterval(function () {
if (!pause) {
rot += rotAmount;
for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
}, options.frameRate);
// This is the jQuery plugin part. It iterates through
// the list of DOM elements that wrap groups of images.
// These groups of images are turned into carousels.
$.fn.Carousel = function(options) {
this.each( function() {
// User options are merged with default options.
options = $.extend({}, $.fn.Carousel.defaults, options);
// Each wrapping element is given relative positioning
// (so the absolute positioning of the carousel items works),
// and the width and height are set as specified in the options.
width: options.width+'px',
height: options.height +'px'
// These are the default options.
$.fn.Carousel.defaults = {
radiusX:230, // Horizontal radius.
radiusY:80, // Vertical radius.
width:512, // Width of wrapping element.
height:300, // Height of wrapping element.
frameRate: 30, // Frame rate in milliseconds.
rotRate: 5000, // Time it takes for carousel to make one complete rotation.
minScale:0.60 // This is the smallest scale applied to the furthest item.
// End of jQuery carousel plugin.
// Create a carousel on all wrapping elements
// with a class of .carousel.
width:512, height:300, // Set wrapping element size.
radiusX:220,radiusY:70, // Set carousel radii.
minScale:0.6 // Set min scale of rear-most item.
// Bind a click event to one of the pictures
// to show events are preserved after images become
// carousel items.
$('#pic2').bind('click', function() {
alert('Pic 2 clicked!');

PHPz2017-04-10 12:50:56