Maison > Questions et réponses > le corps du texte
L'ordre des données affichées dans la Datatables
table du projet est incohérent. Comment puis-je rendre les deux affichages cohérents ?
Voici les données renvoyées par ajax
"data": [{
"item": 1,
"sn": "1",
"bus": "1",
"id": "1",
"alise": "Device_Alias",
"opcode": "3",
"addr_start": "1",
"addr_len": "1",
"addr_mapping_head": "0",
"MBstatus": 0
}, {
"item": 1,
"sn": "3",
"bus": "1",
"id": "1",
"alise": "Device_Alias",
"opcode": "3",
"addr_start": "1",
"addr_len": "1",
"addr_mapping_head": "2",
"MBstatus": 0
}, {
"item": 1,
"sn": "2",
"bus": "1",
"id": "1",
"alise": "Device_Alias2",
"opcode": "3",
"addr_start": "1",
"addr_len": "1",
"addr_mapping_head": "3",
"MBstatus": 0
Voici les données du tableau
Selon ajax
, il devrait être en bas, mais dans le tableau, il est au milieu.
La configuration des Datatables dans le code est la suivante :
var columns_en = [
{title: "SN", data: "sn", name: "sn", orderable: false, searchable: false, visible: false},
{title: "Item", data: "item", name: "item", orderable: true, width: "8%"},
{title: "Serial Port", data: "bus", name: "port", orderable: true, width: "12%"},
{title: "Slave ID", data: "id", name: "id", orderable: true, width: "10%"},
{title: "Alias", data: "alise", name: "alias", orderable: true, width: "12%"},
{title: "Function", data: "opcode", name: "function", orderable: true, width: "8%"},
{title: "Data Address", data: "addr_start", name: "address", orderable: true, width: "15%"},
{title: "Data Length", data: "addr_len", name: "length", orderable: true, width: "15%"},
{title: "Mapping Address Head", data: "addr_mapping_head", name: "mapping", orderable: true, width: "20%"},
table = $(TableId).DataTable({
dom: 'lBfrtip',
buttons: [
extend: 'collection',
text: i18ns['export'][lang],
buttons: [
autoWith: false, //自适应宽度
searching: true, //过滤功能
destroy: true, //允许重新实例化Datatables
processing: true, //显示加载信息
info: true, //页脚信息
paging: true, //翻页功能
pagingType: "full_numbers", //显示数字的翻页样式
lengthChange: true, //允许改变每页显示的数据条数
pageLength: 50, //默认每页数据条数
lengthMenu: [[10, 20, 50, 100, -1], [10, 20, 50, 100, "All"]],//自定义每页显示的行数
language: {
processing: "<img src='/images/loading.gif'/><span style='color:blue; font-size:36px;'><b>Data Updating...</b></span>",
lengthMenu: i18ns['lengthmenu'][lang],
zeroRecords: i18ns['norecord'][lang],
emptyTable: i18ns['norecord'][lang],
info: "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries",
infoFiltered: "Have _MAX_ Records in database",
search: i18ns['search'][lang],
paginate: {
first: i18ns['firstpage'][lang],
previous: i18ns['prev'][lang],
next: i18ns['next'][lang],
last: i18ns['lastpage'][lang]
}, //多语言配置
columns: columns_en,
ajax: {
url: DataUrl,
dataSrc: "data",
initComplete: function () {
rowCallback: function (nRow, data, iDisplayIndex) {
data['item'] = iDisplayIndex+1;
$("td", nRow).eq(0).html(data["item"]);
return nRow;
Comment dois-je le modifier pour que la commande soit cohérente ?