php.cn手册 发布
(PECL mysqlnd-uh >= 1.0.0-alpha)
MysqlndUhConnection::getErrorNumber — Returns the error code for the most recent function call
)Returns the error code for the most recent function call.
Mysqlnd connection handle. Do not modify!
Error code for the most recent function call.
MysqlndUhConnection::getErrorNumber() is not only executed after the invocation of a user space API call which maps directly to it but also called internally.
Example #1 MysqlndUhConnection::getErrorNumber() example
class proxy extends MysqlndUhConnection {
public function getErrorNumber ( $res ) {
printf ( "%s(%s)\n" , __METHOD__ , var_export ( func_get_args (), true ));
$ret = parent :: getErrorNumber ( $res );
printf ( "%s returns %s\n" , __METHOD__ , var_export ( $ret , true ));
return $ret ;
mysqlnd_uh_set_connection_proxy (new proxy ());
printf ( "connect...\n" );
$mysqli = new mysqli ( "localhost" , "root" , "" , "test" );
printf ( "query...\n" );
$mysqli -> query ( "PLEASE_LET_THIS_BE_INVALID_SQL" );
printf ( "errno...\n" );
var_dump ( $mysqli -> errno );
printf ( "close...\n" );
$mysqli -> close ();
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