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(PECL CUBRID >= 8.3.0)
cubrid_field_seek — Move the result set cursor to the specified field offset
[, int $field_offset
= 0
] )This function moves the result set cursor to the specified field offset. This offset is used by cubrid_fetch_field() if it doesn't include a field offset. It returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
comes from a call to cubrid_execute()
The numerical field offset. The field_offset
starts at 0. If field_offset
does not exist, an
error of level E_WARNING
is also issued.
on success.
on failure.
Example #1 cubrid_field_seek() example
$conn = cubrid_connect ( "localhost" , 33000 , "demodb" );
$req = cubrid_execute ( $conn , "SELECT event_code,athlete_code,nation_code,game_date FROM game WHERE host_year=1988 and event_code=20001;" );
var_dump ( cubrid_fetch_row ( $req ));
cubrid_field_seek ( $req , 1 );
$field = cubrid_fetch_field ( $req );
printf ( "\n--- Field Properties ---\n" );
printf ( "%-30s %s\n" , "name:" , $field -> name );
printf ( "%-30s %s\n" , "table:" , $field -> table );
printf ( "%-30s \"%s\"\n" , "default value:" , $field -> def );
printf ( "%-30s %d\n" , "max length:" , $field -> max_length );
printf ( "%-30s %d\n" , "not null:" , $field -> not_null );
printf ( "%-30s %d\n" , "unique key:" , $field -> unique_key );
printf ( "%-30s %d\n" , "multiple key:" , $field -> multiple_key );
printf ( "%-30s %d\n" , "numeric:" , $field -> numeric );
printf ( "%-30s %s\n" , "type:" , $field -> type );
cubrid_close_request ( $req );
cubrid_disconnect ( $conn );
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